[center][img]http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/tsminteractive.com/files/2012/10/haunted-house.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Oh shit, oh shit, oh shiiiiiiiiiiit. I fucked up man, I really did. I should have never agreed to come along. Stupid me, STUPID ME! Hmmm? Oh, who am I? I'm a student from XXX Highschool. Yeah, I'm here cause of an overseas school trip and all, ya'know? Its just that today was our free day and some dumbass suggested we explore some haunted houses. He said it wasn't everyday you got to explore a haunted house in Paris. He was an idiot but I guess I was too, since I agreed to go with him. All of us did. You know this place, Blackwood Manor? All the locals are freaked out by it. Not one of them comes close to it. They don't even like to mention it! So everyone got really interested and bought into the idea that we should explore it. Worst. Choice. Ever. Like seriously, now that we're here, I'm totally freaking out. Why? BECAUSE WE'RE TRAPPED, DUH! Like look, that god damn door is open but we can't even get out of it. Its like this invisible forcefield or something, there's holes all over the walls for Christ sake and we can't cross those either! Wait a minute... you... who are you?[/i] [hr] Well, that's the gist of it. We're all final year students on an overseas schooltrip to Paris. After catching wind of a local haunted house Blackwood Manor, we all decide to explore it. Its way out of the city and though it took a lot of trouble, we managed to snuck out. The house is freaking cool and totally gives spooky vibes. Everyone is joking and laughing about how creepy it is until someone points out we can't get out. Then shit hits the fan. Who's interested in this? I've got a [url=http://crpp0001.uqtr.ca/w4/campagne/Map-a-Week/2005/03_HeroesHorror_300_ppi_b20w.jpg]map[/url] we can use for the infrastructure as well so things don't get messy.