CHRISTOPHER After the surviellance team watched their taget leave the research lab of his employment, the driver of the van reached once more for his radio unit, "Tactical, you are clear to withdraw the Insurance Policy," "Copy that," came a reply. From his vantage point, The Driver watched and acted as look out while a group of plain clothes men entered the laboratory and minutes later had retrieved the young woman, a gun to her back for extra compliance as the waited for a blacked out sedan to pull up and stuffed her inside. NATHAN After putting the speed traps in place at the speedster's residence, the bomb squad met up with the other two surviellance teams that were just outside the abandoned hospital, "all units, the insurance is in place, proceed with caution, and as always," "Humanity above all else," everyone with a radio spoke in unison. THE ASSAULT/TRANSPORT HELICOPTER The stealth unit was just now reaching the abandoned hospital, and hovered over the roof for several moments while the soldiers inside it all loaded up, "remember," the one in charge started to speak up, "Isabel is extremely dangerous with very powerful weapon residing inside her, she's a walking WMD. I won't hold it against any of you if we come back to the Doghouse empty handed," "Yes sir!" They all spoke in unison as the ramp behind them began to lower. JOSEPH The man with the pretend stargazing equipment zoomed in on the high flying mutant as he got the green light from his radio device, "fire at will," his superior said in his ear. And he did just that, he pulled the trigger of his high powered rifle and watched as the shot connected with one of the mutant's wings, "I have a hit," he reported and got ready to watch the descent. NICHOLAS "Proceeding with phase two," the man in the business suit said as he approached the home of the mutant Nathan and his parents. He adjusted his horn rimmed glasses that were just for show and actually recording back to the Doghouse as he knocked on the family's door, and looked side to side to find there were little to no witnesses in view. WALT "Maybe I am," Walter winked at her as the two started to grind up on one another, he set his hands against her hips, "and maybe i'm not," he teased her, "what's with the stealing tonight?" He asked her out of curiousity, "in another jam with the old man?" As the two grinded away, Christopher was trying to find his place in this strange world, Nathan conned drunks of their cash, and the other girls flirted about, the soldiers above them started to repel down and landed as quiet as a mouse on the roof, using tranquilizer rounds for any witnesses as they entered the building. FRANK HARDING The driver of the white van reached for his radio equipment and pressed the button to speak once the coast was clear, "Tactical unit, all clear to gather up the Insurance Policy," And in moments of receiving his message, a UPS Delivery truck pulled up to the entrance and the back door flung open, men in full on military grade combat outfits like they were from a sci-fi movie marched out with heavy duty assault weaponry and other devices attached to their persons. "Orders are clear men," The Driver spoke into their headsets, "be as nonlethal as possible, but if there are witnesses, I make no guarantees that we'll come back clean," he explained as they kicked open the doors and were met by a bunch of beefed up guys punching sandbags and jumping rope.