The guilt radiated of the guardian. How cold he be so careless? He was supposed to protect his own! Inui may not have been a dream minion, but he had lived in the realm long enough to be considered family just like the rest of them. This was completely unacceptable! Enasi paused, glancing back at the trail he had spotted. Harper noticed and rested a hand on Enasi’s shoulder. “I’ll take a some of the group and follow after the trail you’ve made. You’re in no condition to travel just yet. We can take care of it for you.” He wasn’t leaving room for debate. There was no time for it. Seishu’s life was on the line and that meant Enasi’s was too. They both weren’t at their best, making both realms vulnerable for attacks. “Rue, Flynn, Starla, you’ll be helping me.” Rue was about to protest, but Harper put his paw up. “I need your speed. Crios can take care of Inui. Rasha can stay too. You have a more important job.” Crios looked at the group and then at Rue. “Since I’m not going along, you’ll need something to calm Seishu down and stop the pain.” He would have gotten up, but he couldn’t leave Inui writhing in pain like this. Before he could send Rue to find his kit, Enasi hurried over, lowering his energy. “Lord Enasi-” “It’s okay, I got him.” Enasi picked up Inui, his negative energy still lashing out. It wasn’t pleasant, but neither was hearing Inui’s cries of pain. “You go and get the stuff for Seishu, I’ll take him to the room.” It wasn’t the greatest idea, pressing Inui to his chest so close, but Enasi held him tight so he wouldn’t’ hurt anyone around them. Crios frowned at the sight, but hurried off with Rue to grab the necessary items. “Lord Enasi-” Harper paused, letting his ears lower some. “Be careful please.” Enasi gave a reassuring smile and started walking to Seishu’s room. “And you come back with Seishu.” Rasha traveled behind his guardian and Inui carefully while they walked. He was tempted to move closer, but every lash of energy made him instinctively raise his own, which wouldn’t be good for Inui. Enasi tried soothing the nightmare minion, shushing him like a child. The guilt was still emanating off the guardian, and he hoped it helped in the slightest bit. His hand gently rested on Inui’s cheek, but to his surprise, Inui’s instinctive reaction was to bite him, and bite hard. Enasi sucked in a breath and pulled his hand away quickly. “Lord Enasi are you okay?!” The guardian nodded, looking at the small trickle of blood that appeared. “I’ll be fine.” Crios and Rue had raced past them to the others, carrying a kit of supplies with them. Flynn was intrusted with the sash holding the needles. Crios gave important instructions that they all carefully listened to, just in case the other forgot. ~~~ Enasi had placed Inui in Seishu’s bed, hoping he would find comfort in familiarity. He did calm down a lot more than before, but it was evident he was still in pain. Crios would be on his way soon. Enasi just had to wait for him. Rasha watched as Enasi took up his old rolling chair to sit beside Inui. “You look a little sick Lord Enasi.” Enasi hummed a response before lifting his head and smiling softly. “I look how I feel then.” His head lowered on his arms again, resting on the back of the chair. As the silence grew, Enasi closed his eyes and hummed the lullaby Seishu sang many times before. He reached out, holding Inui’s hand gingerly. Rasha had turned into his cat form, lying at the edge of the bed and waiting quietly. When Crios did return, he appealed to Enasi and aided to Inui first. Just like with Seishu, he had to inject Inui with something to calm him and ease the pain. Thankfully, it worked wonders on him too. “Are you sure you want to sit here? You should probably rest.” Crios spoke as he examined Enasi. He checked his eyes and his heart beat, then checked the stomach wound, along with a few other things. “You don’t feel like puking do you?” Enasi shuddered at the thought but shook his head. “My queasiness subsided, I promise. I’m just going to sit here until Inui wakes up. Someone has to tell him the news.” He looked a little more serious when he spoke, but soon sighed afterwards. “And I want to apologize. Inui is my responsibility and I should have taken better care of him. It’s my fault he’s in here, so the least I can do is stay by his side.”