Arlotte trailed behind his peers, moving with a pace that was only fractions slower than that of the the people ahead of himself. The energy throughout the room was electric, such a prestigious school brought in a variety of faces and backgrounds, whatever people sought after, this was their first stepping stone across the vast lake that was their destiny. Still, the dean's words had interested him - not the part about the common knowledge of magic, but rather the growth this school was seeing. [i]Sixty student increase, huh? It'd be interesting to see the dropout rate of first years as well. What number of people approach this school expecting an easy ride? Surely the lessons of a protector would be too brutal for some... Well, that needn't concern me.[/i] He sat himself down onto a bench outside of the building as some began to do the same, whether it was to relax themselves or to find the map that would direct them to their housing, each sat for their reasons, but his reason was his alone. He opened his bag, pushing the map deeper into the bag, he pushed it to to the side and when his hand brushed the wooden sheath of his blade a shiver reached down his spine, coiling around him. Hurriedly he pulled out his hand, closing the bag. [i]Aah, not now. These people, any one of them could be paired with me for the remainder of my time here. Best not make bad first impressions.[/i] Standing back up, he reached into his bag and pulled out the map, searching for where his housing was and pushing it back into the bag. Arlotte looked at the crowd headed towards the train, deciding against taking the train he began his walk East to where his new place of residents would be. [i]East 64, huh?[/i] There he stood, facing the door to East 64 - not wasting a moment, he pushed it open, and there inside was all three of his peers. He let out an exasperated sigh in response to his own lateness. [b][color=white]"Aah, excuse my lateness. The train was far too packed so I took it upon myself to travel here by foot."[/color][/b]