The long ride from the Naval Base where she had been held did not do much to improve Kahjo’s mood. She had not anticipated she speed at which she would be dispatched to the task force’s locations and as such, had had to put together a rather ramshackle plan to escape. Normally one for meticulously careful planning when breaking out of jail cells, Kahjo had had to improvise. Without her equipment, without back-up and with officers guarding her that had been given the strictest orders of “do not engage with the prisoner, or else” her options for escape had been severely limited. Her escape attempt had ultimately been unsuccessful and had ended when several thousand volts of energy had been applied to her body, rendering her unconscious. Waking up already boarded on the shuttle carrying her closer to her mysterious mission had not improved her mood either. Kahjo had flashed the pilot a smile that had had too much teeth, judging by how he had seemed slightly nervous afterwards. She berated herself for that, annoyed that she’d put the man on high alert. She then waited several hours for the chance to try and approach the pilot again, this time with a gentler, more friendly approach, but the opportunity did not present itself. The long hours waiting for the chance did allow her to take in and analyse her surroundings however. The other members on board the ship did not bother her, with the exception of the Desricarti officer. If he held a grudge against her - and Kahjo was pretty sure he did as she’d stolen from him a couple of years earlier - then that was just another problem to add to the increasingly growing list. She’d been careful not to catch his eye so far. If the fact did not irk Kahjo so much, she would congratulate the Navy on the quality of their handcuffs. They weren’t the standard issue ones so clearly they weren’t taking any chances after her failed escape attempt back at the base. Kahjo rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes, focusing on twisting her hands and running her fingers over the handcuffs, looking for weaknesses. Without her lock picking and hacking equipment, escaping her constraints would be difficult. Difficult but not impossible. However, there was still the matter of what she would then do. Kahjo was contemplating her options when the pilot’s voice interrupted her thoughts, announcing that there was something wrong with the engine. She listened to the others as they discussed how to best fix the problem, but she didn’t offer any help, even though a few ideas did present themselves to her. Instead she kept quiet and silently continued working on a way of getting out of this particular predicament before it went any further. It was then that the Desricarti officer walked by and kicked her, demanding to know what she was doing on board the shuttle heading for the covert mission. Oh, so he was going to acknowledge her, was he? [i]Smarmy git.[/i] Her immediate response was that she was handcuffed so that she didn't cut off his balls, but she'd quickly clamped her mouth shut before she could say it, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her so heated. Instead she rolled her shoulders gently, adopted her default feline expression of noncommittal boredom before stretching out her lithe body, knowing his eyes would be drawn to it. She let out what she knew sounded like a contented sigh - she was a good actress after all - then turned her gaze to her former paramour. [b]"Oh darling,”[/b] she said sweetly, but her voice was laced with condescension, [b]”Can’t a girl get into trouble every now and then without the Navy getting involved?”[/b] Kahjo sent him a grin that could only be described as feral, bordering on predatory even. Kahjo didnt push her luck any further though. If it came down to it right here, right now, with her handcuffed and weaponless, she wouldn't stand a chance. However the worse part of it was that the Desricarti knew it. A small 'click' caused her to break the eye contact she was having with the man. Kahjo's grin turned into a smug smirk as the handcuffs fell away from her hands. She rubbed her wrists, which were slightly sore from having spent the last few hours confined in the constraints. She then stood up and clipped the handcuffs onto her belt, lifting up her top garment a little to do so and exposing her creamy skin. She was going to keep those handcuffs, they were rather good quality. [b]"I'm taking these with me. You never know, they might come in handy later.”[/b] And with a wink sent in officer's direction, she sauntered over to the crew member holding her personal effects - and if she let her hips sway a little bit from side to side seductively, well, that was her business. However, she didn’t get much further than picking up her few pieces of equipment - googles, mask, taser, satchel full of explosives (you know, all the good stuff) - before an almighty [i]BOOM[/i] was heard and the shuttle jerked so suddenly that all its passengers were thrown on top of each other in a huge heap. You didn’t need to be an engineering genius to figure how that one of the engines had exploded and the shuttle was going down. Kahjo mind snapped to attention. She quickly pushed herself to her feet and grabbed a deployment parachute. Securing her various gadgets, though taking special care with her mask as that would allow her to breath in a few moments, she took a quick look out the pilot’s window. She couldn’t make out much of the landscape below them but she knew they were in a pretty hostile part of the Lotorius sector - though [i]where[/i] exactly was still unknown to her. Well there was only one way to find out. [b]”I’d love to say around and chat boys, but I have things to steal, places to go and people to con,”[/b] the thief called as she opened the emergency exit door. [b]”Good luck not dying though!”[/b] And with that, before anyone could stop her, Kahjo leaped out the shuttle. Not a moment too soon either as before she had fallen fifty feet, the craft exploded.