[center][b][u]Name[/u][/b] Elliot Barnes [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 27 [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Description[/u][/b] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Elliot is a patient person that doesn’t let things get under his skin, particularly whenever something doesn’t work the way he believes they should. Instead, he just takes it apart, redesign it, and tries it again, rarely does he ever seem to get made or overly excited. However, whenever he does get excited about something, its usually whenever he’s working on something that he thinks will either go really great for himself or for other people. Normally, he tends to fight things by himself, using his gadgets and gizmos, even whenever he’s facing the fact to face, but he has been known to take things without electronics involved. Sadly, not to the same effect. [b][u]Occupation[/u][/b] Vigilante / (“Self-Employed”) Electronic Engineer [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] Self-Built electronical equipments: RC helicopters, special gloves, motorcycle etc [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] From a young age, Elliot has always been entertained by the idea of moving gadgets and toys and would always try to take them apart. There’s even been a family joke that said that if they left him alone with a toy long enough, he’d find a way to open it up and have the ‘guts’ all over the place. However, what they didn’t realize is that he’d figure out ways to make the toys work in different ways, at least they didn’t know that at first. One of his first achievements with electronics was figuring out a way to get a console to play more than one type of game, but sadly that usually resulted in it frying up and having to be discarded. Though, when he was in high school, he was one of the few students who could figure out how to completely shut down the blocking program without even needing to use an administrator’s password. Now 27, he works by himself designing and developing things for other companies and makes quite a killing doing so, but he still lives rather modestly in a 2bed/1bath house, with one of the beds converted to an office.[/center]