Hunter Leader Name: Philipp Orlano Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=] Weapons: Standard hunting rifle and silver dagger. Bio: Philipp has been hunting for approximately 12 years now. He hardly tells anyone the reasons how he started out and he's only told several. The only detail that he ever lets out about it was that it was the day he found out how to kill a vampire. After that, he joined a hunting group with his brother and started his new life. Philipp learned a lot from that group and even created his own sketchbook on the various supernatural they hunted. He had actually enjoyed the new group he had been with for a while, but after an attack from several lycanthropes, Philipp lost his brother and several other friends. The remainder of the group separated, all going their own ways and not wanting to stay together for fear from remembering. Personality: Random and witty when he's off work. Gets dark and unmerciful when he's hunting. Other: I love it when fire melts ice.