Arizona territory Tucson June 3rd 1881 Stumbling out of the local saloon humming a tune holding a half empty bottle of whiskey is Alan Lapart. The outlaw stopped to check if anyone was fallowing him. Seeing that the coast was clear he began to walk to were he was camping for the night. As he passed by an ally some one called to him. "Hey friend come over here I got a proposition for you," Alan placed his open hand on one of his colts before steeping into the ally "alright what is your proposition?" The outlaw couldn't see much of the man that he was speaking to only thing that he could make out of the figure is that he was wearing a fine suit. "I am putting together a group of people to recover 10 parts for a machine across time." At the mention of time Alan raised an eyebrow "what do you mean by time?" he asked. "I mean that you will be traveling through out time. In exchange for going on this journey. You can steal or take what you want from different time periods. And your name will be famous as the outlaw who stole through time," the mysterious man said. 'Ok I'll bite so how do I join up with this posse of yours?" The man reach into his pocket and pulled out a small cross attach to a leather strip "by putting this on," he said tossing it to him. Glaceing at the man one last time at man before he put the necklace said "I swear to god if this is a trick I will shoot you." As soon as he put the cross on he heard another voice. [i]”Volunteer number 0003, Alan Lapart. Time period: American Expansion, Wild West. Participation confirmed. Calculating location…. Location confirmed. Calculating temporal discrepancy… Temporal discrepancy confirmed. Standby for upload and transport.”[/i] Alan terrified yell echoed through out the town as he digitize into pixels and sent through time.