Pongo chortled as hundreds of penguins surrounded them. Several of the larger ones tottered along the edge of the ice berg looking at the large, angry killer whale. [color=00aeef]“What we shall do human is simple. My tests are always a test of vanity and pride. Most humans are too prideful to listen to me when I tell them to follow me.” [/color] Taking a moment to feed a pengu chick after which he spoke solemnly, the other penguins lowered their heads. [color=00aeef]“Hear me Bearers of the Keys, this man; this Kei’Tero has completed the test of pride. Putting aside his own ego and listening to a penguin.”[/color] Turning to the man, Pongo nodded his head, [color=00aeef]“You have the key you have sought from me. Be safe in your travels human.”[/color] With that the massed penguins gathered around Kei’Tero for a moment before moving off to hear their leader tell of how he bested the mighty Ulthur again. [color=00aeef]“So there I was. . . swimming along when the big oaf of a whale began chasing. . . “[/color]