Kei'taro opened his palm and deposited the warming stone in his mouth, into his hand. He could feel the heat traveling along his palm. He had earned the key, even though he hadn't won the race. The animals always had some other test that they never saw fit to reveal until the end. Bowing at the waist, he left Pongo to his story. He didn't need to thank him, he was almost certain the bird wouldn't have heard him. He turned in the opposite direction, somewhat, and headed out - dipping back into the water for a swim that was probably dangerous. He didn't stop to think that the usual spectacle of energy swirling and tattoo imprinting hadn't happened. He was exhausted, and had another objective. When he was passed out from battling Havardr, his father had come into his dreams and summoned him to him. As soon as possible. Honestly, it was the only reason he had chosen this direction in the first place, and had he not, he may not have met Pongo, or Uthur. Yet, he knew what lay at the end of this trip, Pikatok - and the Gate of the South. One of the only paths he could take this time, as his father hadn't seemed interested in using his substantial powers to bring him to the Spirit World