[hider=Arcaedos the Wanderer] [b]Name:[/b] Arcaedos the Wanderer [b]Race:[/b] Majin [b]Gender:[/b] Genderless (more masculine) [b]Age:[/b] Hundreds? Thousands? I clean the rust from myself each year, but it has been long since I thought to count. Do you remember each bath you take? [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Majan originally. Arcaedos has spent his life peppered across the continent and islands. In most recent years he has spent time in and around Din Ghulda. [b]Personality & Appearance:[/b] Arcaedos can say the most ridiculous of things with a perfectly grave expression and voice, and mean what he says utterly and completely with no embarrassment. This leads Arcaedos into some interesting situations, but he manages to make his way out most of the time with his calm demeanor and dry sense of humor. He has an odd habit of protecting small things, which includes most humanoids as well as furry woodland creatures because this Majin is goliath, even in comparison to most others of his kind. However, poor Arcaedos does more harm than good more often than not, even with the best of intentions. [hider=Arcaedos] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ph9Lflb.png[/img] [/hider] He stands at a hulking 9ft tall and weighs an extraordinary amount, so much so that every scale he's tried to weigh himself on has broken beneath his weight. His one eye switches between colors to dictate his mood, violet for amicable or cheerful, yellow for alert or aware, green for relaxed or sleepy, and red for angry or raging. When sad, his eye turns a somber blue or black depending on how deep his sorrow runs. His way of walking is an odd mix of bipedal or quadrupedal, and he moves quite like a gorilla might while on all fours. Across Arcaedos' back are his shield and mace, both held in place via inbuilt sockets that lock them in securely, which he can unlatch on command. He also carries around a burlap pack containing scraps of metal he has acquired during his time for sustenance. [b]Class:[/b] [i]Guardian[/i] Arcaedos wields himself to protect and guard other beings who cannot fend for themselves. Using a mace and tower shield makes him slower than most other combatants, but he has a staggering amount of strength placed behind each swing of his mace, and can use his shield to bash foes who venture too close. He aims to disable rather than kill, and believes in all receiving a second chance to atone for their crimes. For these purposes, he has tried to perfect the use of his tower shield as a gong to project sonic energy back onto his enemies to disable them rather than harm them physically out of fear he may kill them by accident. [b]Stats:[/b] [b]STR:[/b] 16 STR [b]END:[/b] 14 END [b]INT:[/b] 8 INT [b]WIS:[/b] 13 WIS [b]CHR:[/b] 12 CHR [b]AGI:[/b] 9 AGI [b]LCK:[/b] 8 LCK [b]Background:[/b] Through out time and history Arcaedos has spent his life wandering and lending a hand to those in need. He has been in skirmishes and battles that he knew little of why or how they were happening, though he knew he must protect those who could not protect themselves. During some points of his life he spent his time tilling the fields of farmers, in other years he has spent his time in the remote places of the world, absorbing lore and knowledge that he would eventually forget in the crevasse of time. He has garnered many nicknames over the hundreds of years from the people he has helped, as well as harmed, some of them being titles such as “Gentle Giant”, or “Metal Devil”, or the “Wanderer”, the last of which has stuck more than the others. He has sought no glory, though many have tried to persuade him to be in their service, even just as a battering ram or shield for their troops, or by nobles who wanted him to protect them exclusively with his hulking metal body. Arcaedos has always denied these invitations and set himself back into the wilderness with a good-bye and farewell. He seeks the purpose of his being, and continually searches for the answers that relate to the ancient Majan Empire beyond the Mirod mountain range. He knows he must come from there, though he cannot remember how and why he was crafted into this world. Whispers on the wind of war within Din Ghulda led Arcaedos there to protect the innocent and weak from meaningless violence. It was a bloody and sorrowful mess, and now with a heavy heart Arcaedos has found himself in the town of Nifu on the coast of the island of Naran... [/hider]