Utterly awesome! Blame 71342 for my presence. :p I have ideas for either a Gygr/Deor (equine) Master Gunner, but I see we have balder vying for that position. If he likes, I would be more than happy to be his assistant. Otherwise a pirate would do me just fine. [hider=My ideas] Gunners [center][img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/knighthawk3.png[/img][/center] [center][i]"..."[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b]Lasrach Ceàrdach (Flame Forge) [b]Nickname/Alias/Title:[/b] "Ach" (Lasr-ACH & Ceard-ACH) also about the only sound he can make. [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Race:[/b] Deor of the Equine [b]Occupation:[/b] Blacksmith [b]Past:[/b] Lasrach lived a fairly normal life for his village, while most were xenophobic to a spcies, his home was one of the few melting pots far in the north. His equine body was solid and strong all his life so life as a blacksmith apprentice came easily to him while his other siblings of various builds found other avenues to pursue. For years is was labor intensive with little reward as he learned the trade to sharpen tools until a new priest came to the village with his 'daughter'. She was a beautiful polar bear with cream colored fur who could wander the village in the barest wisps of clothing. Lasrach was not the only one to take note of her beauty, the village shaman's son was a proud Snow leopard who felt that he deserved her attentions while she had eyes for Flame. When the time same to build the church, the priest came to Lasrach to commission a bell, this was the leopards opportunity. One day while the equine was drawing the glowing metal from the coals, the cat cast a simple spell to summon water, just a gallon but more than enough. The metal screamed at the sudden shift and shattered like glass with hundreds of slivers in all directions. Lasrach managed to shield his face with his left arm which took several jabs along the length, unfortunately his neck wasn't so protected. Even with the healing magic of both priest and shaman the jagged metal tore his vocal chords to ribbons and cauterized the wounds beyond healing. Lasrach was ashamed, thinking the bell was his failure, he left for the world as a mute. He made his way south with nothing but his hammer for a year, earning his keep in manual labor alone he learned the silent sign language of the slaves. One year since his exile, he came to find himself on an airship of all things. [b]Present:[/b] {WIP, need to hammer out details with others} [b]Future:[/b] One day he hopes to find either a healer strong enough to restore his voice, or find someone who likes the strong silent type to an extreme. [b]Skills[/b]: He is an Geurgist. With his hammer of Alumen Damascus, he can shape metal with a single blow but exert the power of ten with each strike. However, a geurgist in the middle of the air is 'not-optimal' at best as he lacks the earth to draw from. Smithing: Blacksmith, armorer, gunsmith, rough jeweler. These are the skills he brings to bear to earn his way through life even without any Geurgy. [b]Strengths:[/b] [Perception: Attack] He is a craftsman, his eyes are always on the details in big and small scale from pewter figurines to airship engines. As he has made over a thousand weapons, he can take up nearly any tool of war and express the most basic of proficiencies. While he is no weapon master, his base proficiency and overwhelming strength lets him power through most defenses, not counting when he uses his Geurgy to soften up armor. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [Charisma; Willpower] The inability to talk puts a severe hamper on social interactions, making the gestures and need to know slave language can impede the need for communication. After the incident that shamed him he has always been of a broken will, doing what others need at a moments notice and even making circuits to make sure no one needed anything before working on [i]his[/i] pet projects. [b]Equipment:[/b] [img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/weapons/bf-8401.jpg[/img] His 'wizards staff' is a enormous hammer made of Damascus iron and Alumen which gives it the wooden appearance. With it as a focus, he can manipulate the earth but he does not use it to make walls or the like but rather to strengthen and weaken others, improving his allies equipment whenever he can. His clothing is of utility as well as design, his kilt is called brigadine, two layers of leather with plates of steel 'squares' in between. The same is of his vest with smaller plates for more mobility in the workplace. THe dozen pouches are full of small tools, effectively a traveling workbench What other characters would know: [Miscellaneous information; not required] What other characters won't know: [Miscellaneous information; not required] Pirates [center][img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/Zaidus_Beldeen___Ice_Pirate.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]"Lets all just stay cool, shall we?"[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b]Zaidus [b]Nickname/Alias/Title:[/b]Zephyr [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]58 [b]Race:[/b]Elf [b]Occupation:[/b]Preemptive salvage expert [b]Past:[/b] The elfes take care to seclude themselves from the world of men, warding their living city away deep within the forests of Coeden, where no other race may enter. However, before each generation's elected Elders may take their place in the Forum, they must partake in the Votive, a journey out into the world of Allevent to better understand the people, the factions and nations. They are expected to make their own way while establishing diplomatic ties with all nations, and also surreptitiously ensuring the correct policies are enacted or continued to maintain Coeden's isolation. The last Votive was fifty years ago, and it is time for the next generation of Elders, to step out into the rapidly-changing world of Allevent. [b]Present:[/b] [Your character's current situation, especially appearance & personality.] Zaidus has taken an interesting approach to seeing the world; with the advent of the airways, he has taken to riding along the currents of the wind to see how this new invention will affect their forests. [b]Future:[/b] He hopes to become a wind called, a storm dancer, one who rides the hurricane. [b]Skills[/b]: Urgist: He blends Aeurgy and Hydrurgy into what he calls "Cryurgy" [b]Strengths:[/b] [Dexterity; Intelligence] Like all of his kind, he is as swift as the wind in mind and body. Able to slip about like the breeze and use the slimmest ammount of effort in the right of places to achieve the best results. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [Attack Charisma] Not one of the most charming, fifty years of isolation from the outside world has him using old phrases and otherwise behaving out of synch of the world around him. [b]Equipment:[/b] A cutlass of Stannum Damascus blade with a Vivum stone in the handle. It lets him draw the moisture in the air then draw out the heat with circulating air to form the ice down the blade. [/hider] Also, I had an idea taken right from the movie 'Stardust': as a form of legal enterprise, they drag great metal nets through storm clouds to harvest Stanum, vivium, and lumen from the wind water and lightning.