Luce walked from her little room toward the main room where probably everyone was already, today she wore a black short, covered with a greenish short skirt and a matching top and a black jacket. As always she looked way too cute for a villain and she wasn't really a bad person, she just felt like she had to serve Shadow for sparing her life and she would only leave if he told her too and even that she would try to fight since she had found herself falling in love with the black wolf. [i][color=7bcdc8]''Morning!''[/color][/i] she said happily as she walked in and giggled some as she saw the cheetah holding her tail up too keep the smallest villain in their group away from it, she passed by her and gave her a smile as she whispered: [color=7bcdc8][i]''Won't work, she can jump pretty high and is a good climber, if she wants your tail, she will get it''[/i][/color]. She then made a little bow to Shadow, knowing it wasn't needed but she just liked to do so. [i][color=7bcdc8]''Good morning Master Shadow''[/color][/i] she said with a smile yet softer and a special sparkle in her eyes.