[Alice] “I think we finally found it!” Alice’s mother exclaimed. “Found what?” asked Alice, turning her wheelchair to face her mother. “A way to cure you!” her father replied. Alice’s eyes widened, almost shining, “Really?” [i] I can’t believe it! Maybe I’ll finally be able to walk on my own legs again--it’s been so long![/i] “Yeah, a place called ‘Skyline Institute’, it’s a boarding school said to make dreams come true. And that miracles happen there. And that the only requirement they have is that you need to be able to see a floating island. But I remember you going on about a floating island after your accident, right?” her father continued on excitedly, about to jump up and down with joy. “Yeah, and you told me [i]I[/i] was hallucinating,” Alice says jokingly. “It’s a bit too late to send in an application so we can just fly over to Illinois, and if we can present adequate proof at the gate that you can see it, you’ll be accepted!” her mother added enthusiastically. “We booked a flight for us to go there just tomorrow morning! So we had better get packing soon,” her father said cheerfully. “Alright,” Alice piped happily. [i]I wonder what kinds of people I’ll meet there![/i] [hr] [Naoi] Naoi smirks as he looks at his acceptance letter to Skyline Institute. [i]I was denied the chance to go to Naraka High, but now… Heh. I wonder how many people wander into this place clueless of what’s about to happen. Don’t they realize it’s really all too good to be true? No matter, the more lost they are, the easier it is to manipulate them.[/i] He walks over to the living room, where his parents were. “Mother, father, I’ve been accepted to Skyline. You said you had already bought me a plane ticket to go to the United States, right?” Naoi queries. His father stops reading the newspaper, stands up, and puts a hand on Naoi’s shoulder, “We did, son. Now go make us proud.” “Yes, father. I’ll bring prestige and honor into this family,” Naoi says resolutely. His father backs away as his mother moves in to hug him, “Stay safe. Please.” Naoi returns the hug, “I’ll do my best.” [i]I will definitely survive and graduate from Skyline Institute.[/i]