Soldier 56342 was in the armory being fitted with weapons and equipment being prepared for the experiment. "Soldier 56342 50% preparation complete" a computer said. Once he was fully prepared he was lead out to a large auditorium where the machine was standing in the middle. Hundreds of political figures, and high ranking soldiers were in the audience watching as history was about to be made. Soldier 56342 is going to be the first to test out the new time travel device. "Begin countdown" the computer said as He entered the machine and the door closed. "10...........9........8..............7........6..........5.........4.........3........2.......1......Activate!" The Scientist at the control panel hit the button and the machine came to life glowing and making strange noises. The Soldier stayed calm and still as his body began to slowly disappear. Withing seconds he was gone completely.