The moon sat high in the starry sky above the city of Highmont, the capitol jewel in Ecen, the streets still busy despite the darkness that filled the land, torches lit up the city throughout it as people lived their lives. The talk of the city was the meeting that was going to take place within the castle, Dragonstead, a place few that were not nobles or worked within it's massive walls had been inside before. But for tonight it had opened it's tall doors for those that had witnessed the Sounding, an event even King Ethan Tirius saw firsthand, the vision plaguing his dreams the night it occurred. At the main entrance of the castle a small line had formed, an old bearded man right in front of the doors, armor clad guards at each side of them as well. The geezer was the court mage, an experienced man that the King had chosen due to his magic prowess, which included an ability to see other person's pasts. While there was opposition to magic throughout the Kingdom, the man was someone the king's father had trusted enough to keep in his circle, so in other words he was perfect as the gate guardian for those that came, he able to read through their memories to see if the people were truthful of witnessing the Sounding. Some had already been 'checked' and allowed in, these people directed towards the main dining hall where the meeting would take place once the King emerged into the room. [hr] [center][b]Elden Fryar[/b][/center] The man of the King's Guard stood in the back, away from the long table filled with foods and beverages of all kinds, he stared into the fire burning in the fireplace, a hand rubbing his chin as he tried to calm his nerves. He was in armor like always, but a less noticeable kind than he would usual wear, if he was going to be traveling with a group like the King vaguely mentioned to him, then he did not want to stand out, the last thing he needed was to wear his armor which displayed that he was a member of the King's Guard, and thus a connection to the king, then have trouble caused because of that. He let out a sigh, then turned towards the table and moved to pour himself a glass of red wine, as he took a sip of it he noticed that another person had entered the room, he figured he was the only one in it, but this person had strolled in while he had his back turned, now she was seated eating a plate of food, she was a black haired woman clad in a long dark robe, the hood down, revealing her face. "You're the first one here other than me." Elden said to her as she looked up him, the glass in his hand. [hr] [center][b]Riya Rochette[/b][/center] Riya had entered the room quietly, as she usually did, she was surprised to find only one other person in the dining room, a long haired, armor clad man staring into the fire. She thought she was late, but she must have been early, so Riya moved towards the table and took a seat. She thought about saying a word to the man, but he seemed to be deep in thought. She composed herself a plate of food, her eyes brightening up as she glanced over the selection on the table. All kinds of wines, alcohols, meats, wheats, vegetables and deserts. A practical feast, she hadn't eaten since the morning and was practically starving as she took a bite of bread. The man by the fire turning towards the table, and her, as he poured himself a glass of wine. "It appears that way, doesn't it?" Riya said before she took another bite. "Did you travel far to get here?" The man said back. "Just from one of the villages to the north. I'm guessing you say the Sounding? I did, that's why I'm here." "I did. But I was already in the capitol. The name's Elden, Elden Fryar." "Riya. I'm a bard." She said, not fully lying. "So we'll have song on our journey?" "Journey?" "I heard whispers of it, but I'm not entirely sure. We'll see if it is true." Elden said, then took a seat at the table, right near the end nearest the fireplace, the glass in his hand as he took a drink. Riya didn't reply, she just continued eating.