Asha smiled happily to herself when she heard Katsu said they could come along. Of course he didn't sound too happy about it, but the brunette was grateful that they would all be traveling together, making sure that Katsu was safe. Even if he wasn't the Avatar, Asha would have wanted to make sure those men didn't get a hold of him; who knows what they were going to do to him. The White Lotus was supposed to be a good organization, but every group had their baddies. The brunette didn't feel the need to voice her excitement that they were hanging around for a little bit longer, seeing as how everyone seemed to be on the same page with everything now. Hiresh seemed business as usual, which made Asha's lips curl into a smile. It was funny how he could go into cop mode so easily, he obviously chose the right occupation. As they walked through the tunnel, Asha walked side by side with Siku, while Katsu took the lead and Hiresh was the caboose. She giggled when Siku snapped her fingers and demanded that the 'package' be dried off. For a second she wasn't quite sure what she was talking about, but then Asha snapped to attention and blew air on Katsu to dry him off. "Yes m'am!" Asha replied, saluting. "The package has been successfully dried!" The brunette hoped Katsu wasn't too mad at her for blowing air on him to dry him off...dry or wet, being in sewer water was just gross. Finally they arrived at a manhole that was far from where they were originally. She looked up and could hear some of the street noise from above, hoping they wouldn't get run over by one of those weird cars.