“Keep up” Aksel heard called to him. He was never going fast enough for Sven it felt, but none the less he got moving faster, he knew better then to get on his bad side. Once he got to an acceptable pace Aksel started to look around and take in what was around, his eyes darting all around. It was interesting to see the wildlife all around them, especially since they were always on the move so new things would pop up that he hadn’t seen before. Despite trying to distract himself he still became aware of the constant moving his hands did, from twiddling with the draw string on his hoodie to patting out a beat lightly on his leg. He did this because he was always so full of energy but he had to keep himself quiet and somewhat calm as not to annoy Sven who always seemed to prefer the quiet. Quiet was nice sometime but Aksel needed some way to put his energy to use instead of having it make him fidget around. Soon enough they found a dirt path but right before he was able to step foot on it a voice entered his mind. It definitely didn’t belong to Sven, it was far too feminine and besides, there was something different about it. It was like his ears hadn’t picked it up at all, it was just in his mind. He tried to replicate what they must of done so he concentrated until he got what he felt was right. Hopefully it was or he was just talking to himself. ~Hello? I’m out here I guess, depending on where here is for you~ Suddenly he realized Sven had said something, Aksel hadn’t heard so he hoped it wasn’t important. He then caught the next thing he said though. “You hear that kid?” A grin spread across Aksel’s face as he looked over at Sven. “Yeah, I’m glad you heard it too. I guess that means I’m not insane.” He replied back to him in a half joking half-relieved voice.