[center][h2]Chapter 1[/h2] [img]http://breaking-news.ovh/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/stock-footage-breaking-news.jpg[/img] [i]It’s been one month since every person in the world woke from the ‘Dark Day Coma’, and the buzz surrounding their awakening has taken the world by storm. As if waking from a coma brought on by a global phenomenon wasn't enough, now the awoken comatose must deal with public scrutiny: “Frozen ‘Dark Day’ Victims All Mysteriously Wake” – BBC News “Revived Coma Patient Catches Jumper” – New York Post “Scientists Coin ‘Awoken’ in Reference to the Revived Comatose” – CNN “Awoken Goes Missing From Prison” – Sky News “Do the Awoken have psychic powers?” – National Enquirer “Two Suspected Awoken Rob Bank” – Shanghai Daily “The Awoken may be suffering from dementia” – Medical News Today" “Interview with Rumored ‘Healer’ Awoken” – The Rio Times “Are the Awoken a threat to humanity?” – Globe Magazine Every day new stories concerning the ‘Awoken’ are released. Some of these poor souls have become ostracized black sheep, while others have become celebrities, driving some into hiding and others into the lime light. In any case, the lives of the ‘Awoken’ will never be the same. They must decide to either start a new life or deal with constant judgement by society. [/i] ***[/center] [h3][b]OOC Info on this Post:[/b][/h3] Your writing prompt is now, “What has happened to your character in the last month since he/she has woken from the coma?” If you have not made your first post yet, please include your 'waking up' scene and ‘one month summary’ scene in one post. Also, if you want to try and [u][i]roll the dice[/i][/u] to see if your character can learn the name of the god inside him/her, PM me. Tell me that you would like to roll the dice on this issue. Just to be clear, your chance of making this discovery this early is small, 1 out of 10, 10% chance. But there is no downside, you can try again later with better odds. So it's up to you if you would like to try this early. This is a great time to start collaborating with others through PM. Maybe lead your characters to meet each other. I’ll move the plot along again after either 10 people post at least once after this [b]OR[/b] June 4th arrives, whichever comes first.