[colour=Lime]Dear _________, I'm am proud to inform you that you have been accepted at Jullford Academy for Gifted Teens, a boarding school in Wales. If you did not apply for this school, do not worry. We'll explain [i]everything[/i] when you get here. Please see the kit list below and pack everything you need. [b]Kit List[/b] [list] [*] Casual clothing [*] A pencil case containing pens and pencils [*] A day bag [*] At least 3 notebooks [*] Anything else you think you will need [/list] We will give you everything else upon arrival. Here is your ticket for the train: [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGKn-JIXEAAfQ2w.png[/img] The train will leave from Kings Cross Station on the 31 August at 12:00 sharp. Have a safe journey! Your faithfully, The Headmaster [/colour] [hider=spoiler] In this RP, the characters are all students going to this school. They all have a special ability (such as telekinesis, shapeshifting, ext, ext)[/hider] (Please check out the OOC tab for more information)