"Clear," Besk called as he checked a nook and cranny where an engineer might be hiding, "Belgaran, it's all yours," he gestured with his jaw at the engineering console as he moved past the bodies, he probably got one somewhere, and shifted into a position that allowed him to cover entrances. Depending on how thoroughly they sliced the engineering room's console, they could probably do quite a bit with power systems, which was why Besk was wearing a breather mask. If he'd had a thinsuit, it would have been so much better, but the Alliance was perenially short on that equipment even for shipboard units like the Liberators. Another shudder went through the ship and Besk hollered back at Toland, "Get on the kriffing horn and tell those pirates to increase shields and take evasive action and [i]to stop kriffing shooting this ship while we're on it![/i]" If Belgaran dropped power to shields and a laser hit, they'd be eating vacuum in here, potentially. That was useful if you had sections sealed off, but they hadn't gotten there yet. "Everyone else not Belgaran and Toland get in defensive positions." By this time, the alarm was going off, blaring loud and flashing red, in response to the last turbolaser hit from either the Intruder or the Freedom Fighter. The exertion of about a minute's worth of movement on this ship already had him dripping sweat and breathing heavily, and the mask wasn't helping that as his sweat pooled around it, off his forehead, because the helmet, the Alliance-issue that was so damn huge, was not merely bulky, but uncomfortably hot. He was tempted to chuck the piece of trash then and there, mostly because he'd never used it before but felt that in the tight confines of a ship, where the blaster fire was that much more concentrated, you wanted every plate of armor you could get between you and the other guy. He pulled down the welder's goggles from his forehead and settled them over their eyes as he hit the console switch for the door he was standing in front of -- there were three ways into this room and the Liberators only needed two. While others were doing their thing, he got his torch going and started to weld that blast door firmly shut. The prize crew, if they survived this fight and actually took this ship, would be pissed at the extra work, but they were also sitting pretty on the Freedom Fighter while the Intruder's troopers were doing the actual fighting. Those bastards came in after the 'all clear.' If they complained about the mess the Liberators made, they could take lumps by way of apology.