Seth nodded at Matt, only just managing to hear him over the fierce gales. "I know!" He bellowed back, "There's something strange about this! It's not normal!" Pushing his wet hair away from his face, Seth glared at the sky, turning his face towards the rain. It was indeed strange, the rain was pouring down at an intense rate, something beyond normal storms. There had to be some sort of cause. Although Seth's skills didn't lie in meteorology or navigation, his years at sea told him to be alert and wary. The storm wasn't their only enemy at the moment. At least, that's what his gut instinct told him. Noticing Cyril emerge from his quarters, Seth waved a hand at Matt, conveying to him to join him to talk to the Captain. If he had something to say, it would be much more efficient if he spoke to both the Captain and the first mate at the same time. Making his way over, Seth was forced to duck under some flailing ropes, and catch himself from slipping a few times. Even with seasoned sea legs, Seth found it difficult to get from point A to point B. "Captain!" Seth shouted over the wind, his voice nearly getting swept away. "There's something--" At that moment, the ship suddenly tilted, threatening to capsize completely. The tilt was probably about 30 degrees, enough to send objects and people flying. Instinctively, Seth grabbed onto the rope that he had ducked under moments ago to keep him from falling into the frigid waters. Using his arms, he clung to the rope as his feet left the deck. Gritting his teeth, he began climbing the rope, hoping that his hands won't slip. For a moment, he allowed himself a glance down, seeing how the rest of the crew was faring...