Kolskegg was moving at a good clip now, leaping and hurling the debris from Hel’s fury. The tower he was headed for loomed large when suddenly he felt a jackhammer pummeled his shield throwing him off his pace. Stumbling he tripped, falling forward and on to his face, taking several rounds to his back which really hurt. Scrambling up he hurried to get to the tower which offered him some protection. Whatever the wizard had used was potent. While not as strong as his last attacks, it certainly was painful. These little bees that had hit him caused a multitude of welts and ugly bruises on his body. Feeling wetness on his back Kolskegg reached back only to reveal crimson on his fingers. The wizard had drawn blood. Narrowing eyes and knitted brow, Kolskegg would have to be wary. The wizard Cho was not without power. The tower was solidly built, although the wooden stairs inside had shaken loose during the earthquake the remainder of the structure was standing. He was going to have to close with the wizard. Jumping into the air and focusing Kolskegg hovered there. Peering at another tower close to where the wizard had been, the Viking ran along the air, about four feet off the ground. Shield protecting his body as he ran in a hunched manner. He was in a flat out sprint now, closing the distance to the next tower in a matter of seconds keeping an eye on the wizard. Whipping around the tower he charged the wizard Cho, dropping onto the ground while accelerating. The shield covering his body, sword held low, the sun glinting off the blade. It was time to bring the fight close in; it was time to see if the wizard was adept at melee combat. He would reach Cho in a matter of seconds. His prey would not be able to flee as Kolskegg was sure he was faster than the wizard.