[img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Lydia-Nguyen.png[/img] [hider=Lydia Nguyen] [center][h1][b]Lydia Nguyen[/b][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Y2dfglRl.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]18[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Lydia is a happy go lucky kind of personality. Though much of that is due to her lack of focus. It is not uncommon for her to miss cues that your average person would pick up on. As result she comes off rather awkward and disconnected. The medical field would diagnose her with severe ADHD. While they would be close it is more related to her powers than a chemical imbalance. Her brain is firing on all cylinders, but not necessarily working toward a single goal. Not intentional she doesn't always get along well with people that don't understand her condition. When she is more stable Lydia still retains her upbeat attitude but is actually able to converse more. Friends being in short supply anyone she does manage to get close to someone she tends to stick to them. Trust can quickly become reliance as most others are much better at socializing when she doesn't have it all together. It's better not to go after anyone she's close to. While she does not mind being fooled with herself, if you hurt her friends be ready for a nasty shock.[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Lydia is a whole 5 foot nothing and weighs in at 120 pounds. Her build is lean, not having much in the way of body fat or accentuating curves. Her athleticism seems to stem from her muscles near constant working to expend excess energy. Most of the time she wears her dark hair up to prevent the static from making it stand out everywhere. One of her few friends convinced her to get a small tattoo of a dragon on her left arm.[/indent] [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Lydia is a third generation American of Vietnamese descent. Her grandparents on both sides immigrated to America to escape the Vietnam War. The early years were none too kind to them as a stigma existed and the language barrier was steep. Still they persevered and the growing community created a subculture rather quickly. Where their parents had trouble Lydia's mother and father adapted to. English was as much a language to them as Vietnamese. They grew up in American culture and what barrier was left had faded away when Lydia was born into the world. As normal as anyone else the girl grew up without much event. She went to daycare, player with friends, scraped her knees, went to kindergarten, learned her ABCs, and moved on to elementary. The development of her abilities was slow, spanning years. At first it turned up as learning trouble toward the end of elementary. It wasn't thought much of, chalked up to a growing child that wasn't particularly interested in learning. Throughout high school both class and homework seemed to continuously get more difficult. Lack of focus began to bleed out into other aspects of her life. At home sticking with one thing became more challenging. However at the same time Lydia began to explore more activities at school, joining sports teams and clubs she was all over the place. None seem to capture her interest enough to pursue them long. Eventually though it was clear that something more was wrong with her beyond stretching herself thin. Many doctor and counselor visits followed. It was determined that she was ADHD. By now this was a more commonly associated thing. The symptoms fit the bill fairly well. The only trouble was nothing seemed to stave it off. Junior and Senior years were brutal, she barely getting her the work needed done. It wasn't that she didn't learn, she just wouldn't keep on it long enough to get it done if left on her own. Of course it was around this time that Lydia began to notice strange things happening aside from her brain. Sometimes a crazy amount of static electricity would build around her and her hair would stand on end. Not much liking the effect she kept her hair up from then on but didn't think to tell anyone. Several people learned to steer clear as she accidently shocked people often in passing. Other odd occurrences were things like light objects sticking to her or metal heating in her hand. Once while helping her dad replace dead lights around the house one dimly lit in her hand. All of it she kept to herself. She was already weird to a lot of people. Even if she couldn't always act right she knew about it because it was told to her face. And then it happened. Building up over time her body couldn't hold any more electricity. Each with a sharp crack several bolts of lightning shot out and fried every electronic device in the livingroom. Thankfully though the lines to the room also burnt out it didn't set anything on fire. But since that day she has made sure to quietly expend excess energy safely. Something as simple as a rod in the ground worked well. [/indent] [b]Power:[/b] [indent]Electrokinesis. Her body is capable of absorbing, storing, and generating electricity. Most of the time it make her appear as an overactive young woman with a handicap. However she is capable of outputting electricity that ranges from static to small bolts of lightning. Her ability to absorb electricity makes her keen to nearby electric fields. While some personal practice and quick learn has allowed her great use of her abilities in a short time, the side effects are her hinderance. Hyperactive brain activity makes focusing difficult so while she may be able to blast something already getting herself to actually do it is something different. She also builds up a charge which left unchecked leads to unwanted electrical discharges. Expenditure of large amounts of energy at once is also quite taxing as it normally has to be forced out unless overcharged.[/indent] [b]Skills & Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]Having a high level of activity she dabbled in many sports through high school. Sadly she did not stick to many of those so while she can do many things she is not particularly well versed in any of them. While not having many notable skills she does seem to have a particular aptitude for unconventional problem solving. So while she does things differently she can usually get the job done.[/indent] [/hider]