Zodin's jog, quickly turned into a sprint the moment he laid eyes on someone in a blue uniform running towards the town. Zodin bobbed under low hanging branches, and weaved his way through the thick trees, making his way closer the the person as he went. He'd done something like this during his training, running as fast as he could through a forest where all the trees were in close proximity, so naturally it was difficult to catch up. Through the thick of the forest, he could see buildings emerging, he thought it was probably the village. The trees seemed to become thinner, along with becoming less abundant, until eventually they stopped all together. He could feel the terrain change the exact moment he placed his foot on the rocky surface of the village. Zodin looked for the blue uniform again, without the trees impairing his view, he could see clearly that she was a water bender. After examining the situation a little bit, he noticed her jumping over things and moving around things that were out of place. A rock wall here, boxes in the middle of heavy traffic areas. "She's chasing someone..." Zodin realized. He lit up like a light when his mind raced to all the possible people the water bender could be chasing. "A source of information? A rebel? A Spy?...The avatar?" Zodin thought out loud, only to have his attention interrupted with the mass of people that seemingly came out of nowhere. He looked around quickly to see where the Water bender went, only catching a glimpse of the robes from around a corner. He darted in that direction, moving carefully through the crowed so to not harm anyone in the process of his running. The last thing he needed was a civilian making a scene.