[center][h3]Tales of the Demon Blades[/h3] [img]http://safebooru.org/samples/758/sample_5cbd54fe77877a78fde74d72f384d21cda09f2d4.jpg?764144[/img] [h3][b][color=darkred]Story[/color][/b][/h3] In a land much like feudal Japan the Shogun, Oboro Tatsuhiki was able to unite his kingdom into a grand empire despite the many threats laid against him and the land. Clans were at war, and Youkai terrorized the commoners but then the young Shogun commissioned the creation of the Demon Blades. These weapons were fashioned from the corpses of insidious and powerful Youkai and beasts but it was not just their flesh that was incorporated into the weapons, but their essence. Using essence, these weapons were capable of fantastical feats but they came at a high cost, the sanity of those who wield them. Despite their drawbacks, the weapon’s power quickly turned the tide of war on all fronts into the Shogun’s favor. Rebellion was crushed, Youkai were stamped out, and relative peace was brought to the land. The Shogun, realizing the vast amount of power at his disposal, decided to distribute the weapons to the most faithful of his clans. Those clans which were given the weapons quickly rose up in rank and power and some feared war but the Shogun had foreseen such an occurrence and made sure to keep the balance of power in check so no one clan could dominate the other. Also, knowing the power at their disposal the clans were weary at ever trying to start an actual war, since the devastation could easily destroy them if they were not careful. So the clans barter and bicker, trying to one up the other through back routes and see if they can acquire, or possibly make, more demon blades to gain an advantage. It has been decades since the Era of the Demon Blades began, the weapons have passed through many hands and ways of blocking the corruption has made it possible for one to wield a demon blade for years at a time, as long as they are careful. The Demon Blade Institute was created, under direct supervision of the Shogun, which keeps the Blades in check and sends special operatives to keep track of those who use such weapons. It is also through this institution that certain missions for Demon Blade users are handed out when their services are required. Every user is thoroughly documented in the institutions archives and routinely examined to see how much longer they can use the weapons. [/center] [h3][b][color=darkgreen]Rules[/color][/b][/h3] [list] [*] No Godmodding for obvious reasons. There may be times when you are at odds with another character and you fight so try to make the fight enjoyable for all parties involved. [*] You cannot go all crazy and expect to get out of a fight unscathed. Corruption mechanics are in effect so if you use your demon weapon too much, you just might be useless until you can get some serious help. [*] Romance can happen, but of course lets make sure no kiddies accidentally stumble in on something that should not be there. If you really feel you need to do that kind of stuff, there is the marvelous little invention of the PM. [*] The Shogun/moderator, yours truly, has final say in the matter. When I am not around I hope to find a co-gm that can take care of business. [*] Go out there and make a awesome story! We want action, adventure, intrigue, suspense, romance, surprises, and so on. Shape the world a little bit yourself will ya and don't leave it all to me. [/list] [hider=Character Sheets] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Clan Affiliation:[/b] (These will play an important role as certain clans may have their own agendas at certain times that clash with current objectives for other players) [b]Demon Blade Wielder:[/b] (Yes/No) [b]Skills:[/b] (Are you a trained healer, good at stealth, swordplay, etc.) [b]Bio:[/b] (Make sure you include in the bio why your character was given a Demon Blade; was it because of high birth, skill, because you were the ‘sacrifice’ to the demon weapon, etc) [hider=Demon Blade Sheet:] [b]Weapon Name:[/b] [b]Weapon Appearance:[/b] [b]Weapon Forged From:[/b] (Legendary Creature/Youkai/etc) [b]Weapon Abilities:[/b] (Two Max, also include the ability's corruption level, does using the ability greatly increase the blade's corrupting influence or is it relatively minor. As a rule of thumb the more powerful the ability the more miasma is released from the 'blade' easily leading to rather dire consequences.) [b]The Evil is contained by:[/b] (Tailsman used to keep the corruption at bay. Can be any object as long as it makes sense and can be kept on your person at all times.) [/hider][/hider]