[color=00a99d]"Tim and Damon! Got it. Tim's the black-haired guy and Damon's the white-haired guy..."[/color] Erin said, whispering the latter part to herself. Erin decided to put her baggage down when their last team member arrived. She quickly fixed herself for the new member. She was surprised on how formally the new member talked. That definitely wasn't a way Erin would talk. [color=00a99d]"Welcome! I just arrived too so no worries! Name's Erin. Pleased to meet you!"[/color] Erin introduced herself, ending it with a bright, flashy smile. She wasn't sure on what to feel, being the only girl in the team. Nonetheless, everyone looked good and she can already sense everyone's different, which is good. Now, to settle down and be comfortable with one another.