[hider=Pardon Our Dust! Work in Progress!] [b]Name:[/b] Toriyoto Moriaha, Last Prince of the Toriyoto [b]Appearance:[/b] [Coming Soon!] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Clan Affiliation:[/b] Toriyoto - Originally a clan that vocally opposed the Shogunate, the Toriyoto turned on their Daimyo during a critical battle, joining with the Shogun's forces to rout the last resistance to his rule. The Toriyoto carry a reputation as a faithless clan whose loyalties will become suspect when opportunity comes knocking. [b]Demon Blade Wielder:[/b] Yes [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] (Make sure you include in the bio why your character was given a Demon Blade; was it because of high birth, skill, because you were the ‘sacrifice’ to the demon weapon, etc) [b]Weapon Name:[/b] "The Compact" [b]Weapon Appearance:[/b] [Coming Soon!] [b]Weapon Forged From:[/b] (Legendary Creature/Youkai/etc) [b]Weapon Abilities:[/b] (Two Max, also include the ability's corruption level, does using the ability greatly increase the blade's corrupting influence or is it relatively minor. As a rule of thumb the more powerful the ability the more miasma is released from the 'blade' easily leading to rather dire consequences.) [b]The Evil is contained by:[/b] (Tailsman used to keep the corruption at bay. Can be any object as long as it makes sense and can be kept on your person at all times. [/hider]