Exactly! That is quite spot on. Immersion is important to me as well, so I always put myself in the appropriate mood before writing. I was going to write today, but I felt myself extremely unmotivated at the gym, so I forced myself to a double session there! And after that it was basically zombie-mode all day. Sorry about that! I'll have plenty of time in the morning, though. And your thoughts are not weird at all. It shows a greater understanding of the hobby! Excellent! And thanks for the offer of brainstorming, I'll keep that in mind for sure. Oh yes, the norm can be quite terrifying, indeed. Do mention that author if you remember his name at some point. I totally understand. Roleplaying is my substitute for social media. I used to be so engrossed in all that, I'm just glad I got myself out of it. Took quite a bit of learning the ropes here, though, but I'm grateful now that I put that effort into it. Those are some lovely games indeed. I do play a bit when I have the time. It's a good way to relax. Oh, what are you taking if I may ask?