[Milayou] [i]He was dressed in soft leather, carefully tooled in the intricate designs the elves loved. But no elf in the world of Krynn could grow a beard... no elf, but...[/i] “Milayou!” [i]But... did the others like the trip? Maybe I should have asked everyone afterwards for their thoughts on the trip...[/i] The sweet, yet determined voice echoed once more. “Millie! It's finally here in the mail!” Milayou's world came back into focus. Her eyes drifted back to the book that she was reading moments ago. “Mmmm, where was I?" Pouting slightly at her own absent-mindedness, Milayou's eyes darted over the page in an effort to find where she had left off. Finding the spot, she folded the page corner as a bookmark, and set the it down on her desk. “I'm coming down, mom!” Milayou stretched her legs, put on her slippers, and walked downstairs. “Look, it's from Skyline Institute! For such a prestigious school, they send such a plain letter!” Milayou sat down at the kitchen table, plucked the stark white envelope out from the pile, and carefully pushed the other mail to the side. Her mother sat down across from her, letter opener in hand. A quick stab, then a pull, and the envelope was ready to spill it's secrets. Milayou took out the single piece of paper inside, unfolded it, and began reading. “Dear Milayou Riviel, We are delighted to inform that you have been accepted into Skyline Institute...” A wave of mixed feelings and thoughts crashed over her. [i]A new school...! Will anyone I know be there? What are the classes going to be like? What are the teachers and students going to be like? What are they going to... expect of me? What should I do? How should start preparing for it? What-[/i] A hand reached over and tussled her hair. “Ah, mom!” Milayou straightened her hair, and looked across the table at the culprit. Her mom, with a grin on her face warm enough to melt ice. “I know you're thinking real hard about the new school, but don't be so wrapped up thinking about it, okay? I know you'll do just fine.” [i]But does she know how dangerous this school is? If you graduate, you can do almost anything you want... but people don't exactly.... drop out.[/i] “You're a smart and hard-working young lady, I know you'll do well in whatever classes are there!” Milayou smiled back weakly. “Ah, I should call the manager, and let him know i'll need that day off to send you there.” Milayou's mother rounded the table and gave her a quick hug. “Thanks, mom.” [i]A new school...[/i]