"[color=00aeef]Sorry.[/color]" Verloren mumbled out, merely allowing Lu to go about as he pleased. He wasn't really thirsty, oddly enough. Even with his fever, which was strange. He should need to be drinking a lot of water right now. But then again, it could have simply been an effect of the poison the arrows were coated in. He suddenly wished he had been able to stay and study them a bit more, maybe he might understand how to deal with all of it a bit better... being poisoned like this was absolutely a dreadful thing. He was just thankful that dragons were immune to it though. He wasn't sure how well he would deal with Lu being sick like this. Could dragons even really get fevers when they were this young? Verloren seemed to be in a bit of a fog as he climbed onto Lu's back once again, carefully avoiding catching himself on any of the dragons scales or spikes. Thankfully he didn't need the dragons help to get on his back, it would have been just a bit embarrassing in all honesty. At least for Verloren. "[color=00aeef]I imagine that the village is probably somewhere in this forest, or just past it, away from the city.[/color]" He nodded lightly, pointing down river. "[color=00aeef]Since the river is here, I imagine they made the village along side the river so irrigation was easier.[/color]"