[hider=Citrine (THANKS KING KAI)] Name: Citrine Appearance: [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/9fbdba8b56da0f3b0a1dffe997969fb9/tumblr_noy1tv3jt71sd1xkuo1_540.png[/img] Gender: Female Personality: Citrine is very shy, but also very eager to help in dangerous situations. She tries her hardest to keep all parties happy at all times, in an attempt to keep the peace. Citrine is, above all, a pacifist and a caretaker. This was... Problematic, during the first war, and Citrine was decommissioned early by a strong blow to her gem. Now that she is back, she intends to be far safer, acting more cautious than ever. Bio: Citrine was made in a kindergarten somewhere in the far reaches of space. She was meant as a healer and support gem, first and foremost, and combat gem second. At the beginning of the first gem war, Citrine was used to heal homeworld gems and keep them in fighting condition, but when things began to get serious, she was sent to the frontlines. Once there, Citrine saw... Horrors. Horrors she had never imagined, and it affected her deeply: Almost immediately, she defected to the Crystal Gems. Once she had defected, Citrine kept healing, but she began receiving combat orders as well: Difficult missions, perilous fighting, it began routine for her. She became reckless at times, eager to show her new comrades her skills. Unfortunately, this ended in an early decommission: a crack in her gem put her out of the fight for good, and being bubbled away was the only thing that kept her in a still living state. Only recently, when released and healed by Steven, did Citrine begin to exercise caution in the field. Association: Rose Quartz/Crystal Gems Gem: Citrine Weapon: Mace Gem Location: Chest Gem Unique Ability: Citrine is capable of emitting soothing blasts energy, meant to calm both animal and gem alike, as well as a slightly weaker version of the healing powers exhibited by Rose Quartz. Other: NONE [/hider]