Walking in, Arlotte looked at Tim and Erin, acknowledging their introductions, [b]"The pleasure is all mine"[/b] His mouth widened into a warm smile as he continued to talk, [b]"My name is Arlotte Write, I look forward to working alongside you all"[/b] He pulled his right arm behind his back, pulling the door closed before letting his bag down next to the entrance. [i]These people, there's a reason they were assigned into this team alongside myself. It'll be interesting seeing and learning everyone's faults and abilities throughout the years.[/i] Arlotte propped himself up against the wall, resting his chin on his hand. [b]"I believe I didn't catch your name,"[/b] he said, throwing the fellow white haired man in inquiring look. [b]If you would do me the honors, I would be delighted to make your acquaintance[/b]