Splitting up didn't sound like the greatest of ideas. But both Beth and herself scoped out the place as best they could. But the place was restless with previous events. Such places were not locations that Autumn wished to visit. Their wild card was out of commision wich was both a good an bad thing. Always the business woman the group thankfully did not saddle her with the toddling Celestial. It was only natural that she and Gray would team up. Them already having worked together it made sense to go with tried and true. This time however she was not going in unarmed. While not as well equipped as her friend she had brought along some firearms with at least some stopping power. Upon the offer of wards she had to stop and think about it. Most of the time she avoided them on her person as they could disrupt her guise. But given how little they had together she took out the marker and handed it to Perry. "[color=slateblue]What wards do you have in mind?[/color]"