[center][h2][color=00aeef]🐲Paige🐲[/color][/h2][/center] "[color=f6989d]Righty ho, the kittens here we go! I live near the bread store, so I think I may have seen the house before.[/color]" Kassy said. "[color=f6989d]Though, I don't think I've met the owner of the cat before... there's a few cats in our neighborhood, but I'm sure it should be easy to find,[/color]" Kassy said as she lead the group. Once they arrived at their destination, Paige saw an old lady smacking a rug with her broom, attempting to rid it of its filth. "[color=a36209]Can I help you?[/color]" the old lady asked, setting down her broom and walking over to them. Once Kassy explained they were from Fairy Tail, the lady cackled in laughter "[color=a36209]Bah bah bah! Stop right there. I sent out that quest yesterday, and you just [i]now[/i] show up?[/color]" the woman asked, looking at the three [s]girls[/s] women. "[color=a36209]And there's [i]three[/i] of you?[/color]" she asked. She threw her head backwards and let out a witch of a laugh, before calming back down. "[color=a36209]Three young ladies, to get a cat out of a tree! What do you think you're doing here? So late too! Pfft, go back home, I don't need you anymore,[/color]" Paige gasped in bewilderment and shock. She dare insult them? The ancient jerk had a lot to learn before smack talking about wizards. Couldn't she be grateful they came to rescue her cat, which didn't even need to be saved! It took every nerve in Page's body to not send a whirlwind at the lady. [i][color=00aeef]Gosh! Some people!![/color][/i] Fighting a helpless old lady wouldn't solve anyone's problem though, sometimes destruction wasn't the answer. Plus, Paige would never feel right hurting an elderly woman. Paige was just about to storm off, when the old lady's cat jumped from the windowsill jumped up toward Slyvia. She raised her eyebrow and stared at the little cat's eyes glued on Slyvia. It was almost like the cat could understand what everyone was saying. Shrugging it off, Paige faced Kassy. "[color=f6989d]Now what do we do?[/color]" Kassy said, looking up at Paige for help. [color=00aeef]"Don't worry about a thing, Kassy! Things like this happen all the time. Trust me, I've had people do crazier things, of course they didn't wake up to see the sun rise, it's best to just move on and search for the next job,"[/color] She gave Kassy a quick hug [color=00aeef]"don't sweat on this one too much, you didn't do anything wrong,"[/color] Paige smiled, hoping Kassy wouldn't be to upset about the incident.