It had been four days after the council meeting before the Normandy reached the edge of the Skal'kus system. The ships pilot, a human named Raymond Fresh kept the ship far out of the Krogan's scanning range to avoid any unwanted complications before the mission even started. In the past few days, Galen had introduced himself to most of the crew. They were an interesting mix, but obviously the most intriguing of the bunch were his fellow Spectres. The other Spectres sat in the War-Room in a semi-circle around the War Map. A holographic projection showed the planet and the Krogan Blockade in almost perfect detail. Galen let the other Spectres examine the projection for a while before he started the briefing. "As you can see, the Krogan command ship is slightly larger than the others." Galen pointed at the holograph and it zoomed into the crimson painted Krogan cruiser. "Harken, Claire, and myself will take a shuttle to the ship and speak to the commander." Galen said. He had a very slight hint of alcohol on his breath, he had begun putting brandy in his morning dextro coffee. He had chosen to bring Claire along to the command ship to prove he could do his job. He had been trying to gain her trust over the past few days but doubted he had made any progress. "Mads, you will take Phalanx, Syral, and Naomi to investigate the secret STG base on the planet. I expect you to follow his orders on the planet." He looked to the Geth, Drell, and female Human before continuing. "Everyone else will go speak to the planetary governor and see if you can't get him to agree to a peaceful solution that I'm sure I'll be able to get from the Krogan." Galen said that part with a little half chuckle but caught himself. Galen sat down in his chair which was in the center of the semi-circle. He allowed the other Spectres to discuss the mission for a few minutes as he began to plan out his meeting with the Krogan commander. Hopefully he wouldn't have to shoot anyone. Finally he stood up again and quieted the others. "Now, everyone report to your shuttles. I expect to begin within the hour. Planet teams, you will fly opposite of the Krogan fleet so they don't get to suspicious. In fact I don't want them to know we are here." Galen paused and rubbed the back of his neck. "The Normandy will stay out of Krogan scanning range until either we get an agreement with the Krogan or end up having to shoot our way off the ship." With that Galen turned to walk out of the War-Room and prepare his gear. The mission was about to start,