[center][IMG]http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss169/LeoGirl5055/tumblr_m8m6qbEqAj1qcapj4o1_500_zps58b5efe2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=yellow][b]Name:[/b][/color] Daiyu [color=yellow][b]Age:[/b][/color] 32 [color=yellow][b]History:[/b][/color] Daiyu's parents were airbenders who decided early on that they did not want to spend their lives in the same temples they'd grown up in. Ever since they got their arrows they were allowed to travel wherever they wished, and they used this freedom to travel, well, everywhere. They were free spirits who were overjoyed when they realized that they would be bringing a new life into the world, but had no intention of raising said child. When the time for Daiyu's birth came close, they decided to make for the Eastern Air Temple. The flighty nature of Daiyu's parents meant that they were easily distracted from their journey. They were in the heart of the Earth Kingdom when they started their journey, and frequent side trips to visit friends or attractions meant that Daiyu was not born in the temple. With no nuns to take her away after her birth, her parents grew attached quickly. They found more and more distractions to prolong their journey. Daiyu was four years old when an old friend encountered the family and chastised her parents. Airbenders should be raised in temples, and the road was no place for a child, besides. Not long after that encounter, an encounter with dangerous brigands on the road convinced her parents that the other airbender had been right. They brought her to the Eastern Air Temple, were Daiyu's mother had grown up, and left her behind. Daiyu was confused, sad, and angry in turn. She did not [i]want[/i] to live with these strict women and be forced to meditate and practice airbending. She wanted to run barefoot on the beach, and visit new, exciting places, and sleep under the stars, as she had with her parents. She wanted them to come back for her. She was a problem child who alternated between lashing out at both the nuns and other children and outright ignoring them. At times, her behavior was to spite the authority figures who she believes to be responsible for keeping her from enjoying her life, and sometimes, it was to spite the parents who'd abandoned her. As she grew older Daiyu lost all but a few memories of her parents and the world outside, but that just served to make her angrier. The only nun who could really command her respect was the old Revered Mother Meifen. The head of the temple was wise and firm, but with a wry sense of humor that could bring a smile to Daiyu's face even on her darkest days. Meifen was the only nun who never got frustrated or flustered at her; when she threw a fit, the old woman simply chided her and guilted her into calming down and apologizing. Daiyu's temper didn't get any better as she aged, and its affect on her bending was clear. To begin with she was already behind the other children her age and, with her refusals to practice or meditate, her skill at bending was very poor. After Meifen became more involved in her rearing, Daiyu did more of what she was supposed to do, but only reluctantly. It was always still exceedingly clear that she would rather be somewhere else. Most of the children that Daiyu grew up with started to master their bending by their late teens. With that mastery came their arrow tattoos, and the ability to travel as they wished. Daiyu's envy at their ability to leave made her even more disagreeable, but it also fueled her motivation for her training. With Meifen's help, she was able to become a master not long after twenty-one. Still very late, but all that mattered to her was that she was free. The next several years she spent defying as many of the teachings she'd grown up with as possible. She drank, ate meat, fought, and took men and women both into her bed. A bit of experimenting and pushing the limits of what they were familiar with was normal -even expected- for Air Nomads fresh into the world, but Daiyu took it entirely too far. What's more, because of the limited time she spent outside of the temple as a young child, she thought herself worldly and experienced enough to handle anything that life could through at her. She thought herself invincible. And she was wrong. At the time, she'd been travelling with a companion. After leaving the temple she had become more sociable, and so she made extra money by allowing travelers bypass forests, mountains, and seas by riding with her on her sky bison, Uppi. She and her companion were travelling to Ba-Sing-Se, and had made camp for the night. They went to a nearby river to bathe and, upon returning to their campsite, found that it had been ransacked. Their food, their money, everything was gone; but the bandits who'd stolen from them left an easy trail to follow. A furious Daiyu pursued. She realized early on that they had bender among them, and were fairly competent warriors, but she hadn't cared. The encounter that followed left her and Uppi injured, and one of the women who'd stolen from them, dead. She tended their wounds as best she could and started towards the Eastern Air Temple, dropping her companion off at a village not far from their original destination. She was distraught. Her actions had gotten the sky bison she loved permanent scars on her tail and belly, but it was the death she'd caused that truly came as a wake-up call. She was twenty-six the rainy night she returned to the Eastern Air Temple. But, the manner with which she explained the situation to the Revered Mother was that of a child who'd done something wrong and was desperate for forgiveness. When the Revered Mother refused to grant her what the sought, forgiveness and confirmation that there wasn't something wrong with her -"I cannot tell you the words you want to hear, child," the old woman had said, "the peace that you seek can only come from within"- she lashed out. Even then, the old woman did not anger. When Daiyu begged forgiveness for that, too, the Revered Mother repeated her answer and suggested that she get some sleep. Daiyu complied. Those events changed Daiyu. She decided to stay at the temple and become a nun to attempt to atone for her actions. She found some semblance of peace in caring for sky bison and, later, becoming something of a personal attendant for the aging Revered Mother. She was not welcomed warmly by those who remembered her actions as a child, but she didn't particularly feel the need for friends. When she was not fulfilling her duties, she dedicated herself to practicing her airbending and meditating; however, she still found the later as difficult as she did when she was a child. If she were honest with herself, she'd realize that she had no true desire to relieve herself of earthly attachments. She was passionate and had a deep desire to experience life to the fullest; but her guilt kept her at the temple. She knew that she'd never be wise and serene like the old woman, but damned if she wouldn't try. Her training she steadily improved at, until she became one of the very best benders at the temple. Her difficulties with meditating and finding inner peace frustrate her, though now her anger is directed at herself, rather than at some authority figure who is making her do these things. Still, she had no intentions of leaving the temple again until fate forced her to. [color=yellow]Skills[/color] Airbending- Daiyu was a master in the technical sense when she left the temple for the first time, in that she'd learned all thirty-six forms required to receive her tattoos. However, she'd still had a lot to learn about the art. In the six years since she returned to the Eastern Air Temple she seriously dedicated herself to becoming a true master, and her improvement has been remarkable. Though she takes her vow of non-violence very seriously, were she to break it, there are very few who could best her. Healing- Part of her education growing up included basic first-aid. Since returning to the temple, caring for sick and wounded people and bison has been just another one of her duties, so she's grown more knowledgeable in that area. Herbology- Daiyu can recognize many edible plants, and those useful in healing. Cooking- Having cooked for herself when she traveled, and for groups while at the temple -excepting senior members, most nuns are expected to participate in the preparation of meals- Daiyu is a competent chef. Sewing- Daiyu can make and mend clothing, another duty required of her as a nun. Music- While travelling, Daiyu picked up the ability to play several instruments, most notably the ruan. She is also a decent singer. She doesn't have much range, but her voice is pleasant enough to listen to. Though she rarely gets the chance to play at the temple, music is one of the few things she really enjoys. [color=yellow]Appearance[/color] Daiyu is tall for a woman, with shoulders and hips just slightly on the broader side. She is strong from her daily chores and airbending exercises, and so has some muscle mass to her, but overall she's quite bony, with very shoulder blades, collarbones, hipbones, etc. All the time she's spent outside has given her a bit of a tan, but she's naturally on the paler side. Like many Air Nomads, her eyes are grey and if she chose to grow out her hair, which she usually keeps shaven, it would be a light brown. Scars and marks from the multiple conflicts she got in when she roamed, most notably that final fight, decorate her body, mostly her arms and hands, though there are a few larger ones on her torso. The most notable of her scars starts at her right temple, stretches over her sharp cheekbone and ends at her collarbone. She wears the traditional robes of her people, including a wooden medallion to symbolize the higher level of bending mastery she's attained since returning to the temple.