Korvo took a deep breath a drew back his bow, he took a deep breath and released. The arrow whistled through the air as it flew along its path and Korvo watched as the poacher, who'd had no business in the forest, took it straight to the pupil, skirting down the tree he had climbed the man turned to his companion when he had reached the bottom of the tree "That'll teach him eh?" the smile apparent on the faces of both creatures they began to stride over to the corpse and go through his pockets, finding a few coins, and various other trinkets the two sat down for a nice lunch. "I can feel your stare on me Menina" the large black dog would have shrugged her shoulders innocently if she could have "You think I should go" The half-naked man looked back at his companion "Well I already said I wouldn't, besides I haven't left since...." A few minutes later, after eating, the two lay under some trees in the hot sun. "Although, It might lead to some adventure, which could be fun" Korvo could swear that Menina raised an eyebrow "Don't get smug.....Yes I know......Alright Fine" Korvo got up and began to head for the castle ... ... "Shut up Menina I knew it was that way" [hr] Upon reaching the Castle the two saw the line and were a bit taken aback, what was everybody in the whole kingdom here, I mean that was very possible, of course it didn't make sense that the king would invite the entire kingdom in that fashion, Of course kings did strange things, though on the other hand this one seemed to have a pretty tight grasp of things hmmmm "Reeaaallly?" said an old man at the front of the line who seemed to be some kind of guard, if guards looked like ancient owls who had taken human shape, with unbelief and just the slightest touch of "Really...?" Korvo replied, meeting the old man's gaze a little confused. "Please leave your weapons and continue inside" The wizened man said after a long moment of stare downs. Korvo did so, feeling naked and having Menina growling at the old man the entire time but shutting up after getting a taste of the delicious food on the inside.