These men were clearly lowliest among even Jehannan mercenaries, belonging to one of the lower caste Guilds. If he recalled correctly, it was the Spike Guild, led by the boastful sword-fighter, Morag. Even his body type alone measured up that his bite wasn't quite up to par with his bark. With this small mass of combatants escorting the Fire Emblem, there was no question as to whether they could break through Morag. Indeed, if the group picked their paths carefully, they could find themselves simply having to plow their way through the lesser guilds, in wherever across the world they were going. The only question, then, was how long it would take until Sion put the chase on them. Not very long, with the rate he was advancing. At best, this motley crew of escorts would start having Jehannan guilds and search parties in hot pursuit for them by next morning. And then, where would the last of Grado go? Sion has easily taken the keep, so it was doubtful they would have any more luck even in a place like Renvall. So, too, it seemed like no other country previously aligned with Grado has reason to harbor them... even Renais, in spite of Marwood's wishes. Griswal had a fair measure of time to mull this over in his head as Alvin spouted out his plan and charged forward once more. The Grado Knight would stomp after the Wyvern Rider, but Griswal knew he stood little chance of properly keeping up with the prince. He might've even thought to stop and ask Aldo of his intentions of the caravan once they fled the capitol, but this was not the time nor place for more than a moment's discussion. So Griswal simply thought it out for himself. With Grado teeming with Jehannan invaders, Frelia nearly in civil war over what side to take, Renais unwilling and unable to help, and Carcino practically running off of Jehanna, that only left Rausten unconcerned. There were some rising rumors that the young new emperor, Edan, had intentions to put a stop to the sudden war, but there was a lacking of certainty. What was certain was that one of Rausten's most acclaimed scholars published the idea that the Fire Emblem must be destroyed, for one reason or another. It was either Frelia or Rausten. Both very shaky, and without guarantee that even their swaying the local lord to their side would prove to be enough. Such was the trials of survival in a war where you were the enemy.