The standard procedure was for Olivia to go batshit crazy from Brooke’s undermining choice of words and tone. Their mother had resorted to calling the younger sibling a ‘child’ before. She and Brooke had teamed up at the dinner table on more than one occasion. However, it was not entirely to a fault. Olivia tends to blow things out of proportion, be vocal about her inner feelings, and has no shame when it comes to informing people of what they are doing wrong according to her. Of course, the brunette means no harm even if she can be quite clumsy in her vocabulary. Olivia simply did not understand her sister’s argument. In a world that was rapidly going to hell in a handbasket, Brooke wanted her sister to venture off on her own. The younger sibling’s eyes were wide open at this point, staring coldly into her sister’s eyes; her mouth was ajar and her mind could not fathom what she had just heard. Olivia finally surrendered and sat down, emitting an audible grunt in protest. “Wouldn’t I be safer with you, big government hero?” the girl interrupted her sister, who simply retorted with [i]the stare[/i]—as in ‘shut up and let me finish’. But, when that moment arrived and Brooke asked if her sister understood what she had said, Olivia simply sat in silence and refused to exchange eye contact. Obviously, she would do as Brooke instructed, but she was not particularly happy about it at the time. Only a couple of minutes passed before Olivia could hear gunshots and screaming from outside the tent. She flinched and stood upon her feet in an instant. This was the first time she had heard gunshots up close. It was quite a different experience from hearing them during July 4th celebrations or on the news; the contrasting context was what frightened her the most—were the soldiers shooting people? Olivia’s breath intensified. She grabbed her backpack and tightly strapped it in, ready to flee at a moment’s notice. Olivia slowly approached the flaps that comprised the tent's 'doorway'. Drenched in the sound of gunfire and screaming, she could hear other strange sounds that were unfamiliar—perhaps they were some sort of malfunctioning machinery or maybe the power had finally failed. However, just as Olivia was about to remove the flaps, her sister burst into the tent with an automatic rifle spearheading her entry. Olivia flinched once again and stood back to allow her sister space. “What’s going on out there?” It was the only thing Olivia could think of. The younger sister was thoroughly confused and the fear within her amassed at a steady pace. “I don’t know how to use a gun,” said Olivia in an attempt to highlight the pointlessness in giving her one. “What? Dead? Brooke, what’s going on out there?!” Olivia finally grabbed ahold of her sister, who was acting fast and allowing her training to do everything for her. Taking a deep breath, Olivia carefully heeded what her sister said. Something terrible was going on outside, that much the younger brunette could figure out at this point. Brooke had broken the threshold of craziness that Olivia could deal with. She was no longer messing around or trying to undermine her younger half. This was serious, and Olivia managed to acknowledge it by gesturing a nod at the instructions given to her. Olivia was as ready as she ever would be, gun in hand.