Amber opened her eyes for perhaps only the second time in her life. She remembered very little, the beginnings of self awareness, a group of other young gems around her, and suddenly, intense pain and darkness. Here she was surrounded by other gems, older. A gem was speaking, who seemed to really have it together, so Amber listened intently. Suddenly, one of the larger gems turned violent and hit another, causing the victim's body to dematerialize and retreat into its gem. When the larger gem kicked the retreated gem away, Amber ran to retrieve it, picking it up, and cupping it in her hands. She didn't know much, but she knew enough; either inherently, or as a result of repressed memories of her time as a monster, that Citrine was hurt. Amber looked over at Steven and Garnet in fear and confusion, turning her gaze also to Sard, who seemed to be standing up for Citrine. Amber didn't want to fight.