Almost done. Name: Wilson Taggart | Age: 25 | Gender: M [url=]Appearance:[/url] Glasses, greatcoat, gloves, boots, scarf similar. Hair may have grown longer and unkempt, hat may be different [stocking-cap, [url=]surplus helmet with a cross on it[/url], flat-cap] or simply not there. Also included would be a medium backpack, improvised pack-frame, bedroll-pack, and a butt-pack. [b]Where you from?:[/b] Prairie Du Chein, Wisconsin ([url=]pronounced "Prairie Doo-Seen"[/url], gotta sneak a 'lil French-Eskimo into your dialect) [b]Personality:[/b] Careful and precise, despite a reckless fatalist attitude. His altruistic tendencies have generally meant a good reputation. His wary shrewdness however [url=]stems from a long history of people who take advantage of his generosity[/url]. [b]Back Story:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] Customized Mosin Nagant, [url=]straight-bolt with side-slung scope[/url], dat bayonet, a 3/4 length #3 fire-axe, and a folding-shovel. [b]Vehicle:[/b] Well, there [i]was[/i] a car. But that ran out of fuel in the first month. Ended up 'liberating' a horse + carriage from an abandoned Amish farm that didn't get the warning in time. [b]Other:[/b] A bit of a history-buff/survivalist. Is moderately deaf and severely blind on the left side. Stocks a rather surprising amount of medical supplies. [url=]Enjoy our cuisine[/url], I did mention he knows how to cook, right? Edit also: Figured out the how and why one rolls-up a greatcoat.