[b][u]Character by JarlSurf[/u][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3WbLvLc.png[/img] Full Name: Soren Yng Greene Nickames/Alias/AKA: NA Age: 18 DOB: December 18 1996 Occupation: Student Race: Norse Demi-god Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Icy blue Height and Build: 5’7, 150 lbs, average build, more muscle than fat Other Appearance: Has a birthmark of the Kenaz rune on his shoulder, has a soft voice, doesn’t sound rough or angry, just neutral and smooth. [hider=kenaz rune][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/40/52/e34052da3df509bda8c3ce840463841a.jpg[/img][/hider] Bio: Soren was born of the Norse God of justice, Forseti, one of the more recent Norse demis, and an American women in Vermont. At first, he lived with his young mother and grandparents. There was tension for the first few years, though he didn’t know why. His mother started going to college when he was three, he remembered that his grandparents took care of him the most at those early stages. They taught him most of the words he knows, taught him all the things he was supposed to do every day…potty trained him, and everything. It took his mother five more years to find a decent enough job to live comfortably on their own, and they went farther away from the Greene’s. That year, George Greene died, and he didn’t get to see him in the hospital or anything because his mother didn’t want to. He didn’t care for it for the most part, not quite understanding death just yet, only that his grandfather was gone. Life was painfully normal in the new town in Vermont. He was going to school, making friends, making good grades, discovering a love for creativity as well as detective work. It just appealed to him quite a bit. Flashforward two years later after living in as close to harmony as humans can get here, his mother met someone named Damien Hardings. Soren didn’t take an immediate liking to him, but he didn’t really not like him either. To Soren, he was just there. Jennifer seemed much happier with him around, he could tell, and he didn’t meddle. It wasn’t even a year after that Jennifer decided to move in with him in this extremely small town of Montaville, Vermont. Soren was sad to say goodbye to his friends, but he figured he’d make new ones in Montaville. The only person that knows about the supernatural side of him is his mother, though. When it comes to supernatural abilities, they are still developing, but he has a knack for bringing out the truth in people. It isn’t so much as mind reading as it is just looking at someone, it looks like he would be judging them actually, and he can get them to tell the truth…it isn’t forcing, though. For example, if someone he is trying to get the truth from is a pathological liar, then he has a harder time getting them to tell the truth. Having a deep relationship with justice and righteousness, though, he doesn’t ask for the truth from others just for personal gain of knowledge or anything; only if he believes that getting the truth out will help any given situation. He nor Jennifer had heard of Gringore Academy for a time even though they lived right above it. Soren received a letter from someone he had never heard of before, though, and he was informed about the academy before he was enrolled in regular school here. It was a college school, and he was a senior in high school, but this place was so much more promising for him, so he decided that he wanted to go here instead of the regular school he was going to be going to. There was only one issue with that, which was his soon-to-be stepfather. Jennifer told him that she was sending him to boarding school, and he would be living on campus there. Soren was a little upset that he wouldn’t get to see his sister much anymore, but he promised to visit often, because he wanted to be “the best big brother ever!” Family/Relationships: Jennifer Greene – Mother – 34 years Forseti Baldrsen – Father – Eternal, Norse God of Justice Alexander Greene – Uncle – 39 years Annabelle Greene – Grandmother – 74 years George Greene – Grandfather – died at age 69 of natural sickness Damien Hardings – Mother’s fiancé – 38 years Layla Hardings – Half sister – 11 months