[hider=Outfit][img]http://ak2.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/162893372/id/3MVnTfIG5RGrGo_4q2AFrA/size/y.jpg[/img][/hider] ~ [b]London, Emgland October 21, 2012 9:58 AM[/b] Ava giggled to herself as she put on her leather jacket as she walked to the door. "Come on, Ava. Are you really gonna just walk off without us talking about what happened last night? And your laughing, why are you laughing?" Ava spun around to look at her friend Peter. She gave him a small smirk before kissing him on the cheek. "Your just adorable. There's nothing to talk about though. We were both drunk off our asses SO, yeah. It's not a big deal. We are just friends." She said easily trailing her eyes over her surroundings before looking him in his eyes. He appeared speechless and couldn't muster up words to say. She 'awwed' at his cuteness before pinching his cheeks. "Like said, your adorable. Gotta go now." She then turned on her heel and strutted away, texting on her phone in one hand and her laptop case in her other hand. She waltzed down the street like it was a catwalk and practically oozed complete and utter confidence. That was just Ava. She walked down the street looking at her surroundings every once in a while but, she kept her eyes on her phone thumbing through her website. Yeah, she had a public website that people could contact her from. In order to get her help with jobs and such. She replied to a few that caught her attention, linking them to her email so they could further contact her and they could talk business. Finally Ava stopped in front of a large building, her apartment. She sighed in relief at seeing her home before slipping her phone in a small pocket on her laptop case. She entered through the double doors and was greeted by the smell of flowers and leather. And a faint trace of smoke. Yeah, a weird combination but, it's her home and she loves living there. She could afford a house by then but, she's grown attached to the apartment. After all, it's not as if it's small and cramped or anything. It's a nice, big size. She walked past the person at the front desk. His name is Warren and he's in his late twenties and is quite attractive. However, he isn't her type and she thinks of him as more of a father figure if anything. "Morning Ava." He greeted in his deep voice that oozed warmth. She gave him a smile and a small wave. "Hey Warren." She replied before walking to the elevator and getting in before pressing the button for the 4th floor. She waved to Warren just before the doors closed and she was slowly moving up. However, during the ride she, all of a sudden, heard a voice that was accompanied by a blurry figure that was in the corner. This, of course, made her jump 10 feet in the air out of pure surprise and a curse soon followed. [i]"You have been selected to go on an important mission to recover 10 parts for a machine across time."[/i] The voice said ominously. Ava glared at the figure, her interest was piqued however. "Strewn through time? What's the catch?" She asked as she put her laptop case over her shoulder, crossing her arms with her hip popped out. Clearly untrusting of the creepy figure. [i]"You and others from different time periods are going on this mission to retrieve the 10 parts scattered throughout time."[/i] Ava was interested in meeting people from other time periods. Should be fun. She gave him a smirk filled with trouble. "Okay, let's do this." The figure disappeared and her necklace shined a bright gold color before settling. Before she could ask what's happening the voice responded. [i]"Your necklace allows you to be able to communicate with others who are not of the same language of you. Don't lose it."[/i] She fingered the necklace. It was really a golden compass that was connected and strung to a golden chain. And then she heard the voice once more. [i]”Volunteer number 0004, Ava Miller. Time period: Modern Civilization, Beginning of a Machine-Based Existence. Participation confirmed. Calculating location…. Location confirmed. Calculating temporal discrepancy… Temporal discrepancy confirmed. Standby for upload and transport."[/i] She then gasped as she broke into billions if pixels and disappeared. Right as she disappeared, the elevator doors opened.