I'm almost done, reached an idea for a good bio last night, then I fell asleep before I could finish it. And then this morning I went and saw Avengers 2 for the 2nd time. That movie is awesome. --- And here it is! Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/4BYRMEP.png[/img] *General and head* Triton is 6 foot 3 inches, weighing in at 216 pounds. He has light tan skin. His body is muscular, well fit from the years of exercise. He has dark brown hair, short on the sides and back of his hair, with the top and bangs slightly longer which tends to be spiked in an upward position. After a normal sized forehead, he has slightly darker eyebrows, set above moderately deep set eyes. His eyes have dark eyelashes, his right a bright red, and his left is a bright orange. His nose is of average length and size, cheekbones slightly pronounced. He has thin lips, followed by a cleft, strong chin. His jaw is strong, square in shape. *chest and arms* Wrapping around his powerful chest and back is a [URL=http://www.creativitycosmos.com/user-content/uploads/wall/o/78/Tribal-Dragon-Tattoo-Concept.jpg]dragon tribal tattoo[/URL], its head on his right pectoral near his collar bone and the tail ending at his left hip. His right bicep has a [URL=http://www.tattoo-bodyink.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Tribal-Tattoo-Designs-armband-7.gif]tattoo[/URL] circling it. On his left wrist is a plain black bracelet, with a word on a metal plate in Spanish, valiente. He is generally clothed in a plain form fitting t-shirt, light in color. *legs* His legs are blank of tattoos, unlike his upper body. He normally wears dark colored, once again form fitting, jeans. His feet are covered with simple sneakers. Full Name: Triton Kokes Nickames/Alias/AKA: N/A Age: 20 Gender: male DOB: 1995 Occupation: student Race: dragon Hair Color: dark brown Eye Color: right eye: red, left eye: orange Height and Build: 6 foot 3 inches, athletic, muscular, but not over the top Other Appearance: Triton's dragon form is a force to be recognized, his body thick and powerful. His height changes to be approximately 6 foot 6 inches. He also seems to grow slightly in muscular standing. Red colored scales cover the majority of his body, with his skin being an orange coloring, as well as the scales on the underside of his tail. Dark red spikes curve slightly forward from the top of his head, capable of being rammed into another. Shining white canines pass his lower jaw, approximately 2 inches in length. His jaw and mouth change slightly to form more of a maw, but still keeping more of a humanoid appearance. Spikes begin at the base of his tail, making the back side just as deadly as the front. His bat like wings generally remain tightly tucked against his back unless in flight. He is skilled in parkour, using his speed and agility to the fullest. He is detached from others, and does not trust people easily. He fears hurting those he loves, and so refuses to get close to people, certain in his mind that it would only end in their ultimate demise. History/bio: Born in a rather simple family, Triton Kokes was raised in the country side, becoming fast friends with his 11 year senior brother, Isaac. They did practically everything together. From very early on in his life he knew what he was. It was hard not to know. He also knew that his parents were rather old, and could possibly die while he was a child. Until then, he spent as much time as he could with his family having fun. Both of his parents were very knowledgeable in educational things, and so they were the ones to teach the two boys. At the age of 13, his mother died. This caused a shift in the boy's behavior, despite having the knowledge of his parents probably dying. He started acting out more, a temper that had existed beforehand was becoming more prominent. He began to train himself, taking his anger out on other things as to not hurt his family on accident during an anger fit. His dad continued to reach them, but only two short years after that, he died as well. His temper increased, often having violent outbursts towards his beloved brother. For four years, Isaac put up with his antics, handling the temperamental teenager. But it all changed that one dreadful night, September the 14th, 2014. The teenager and man were outside in the forest, wrestling with each other in there dragon forms. Over and over, the older brother was defeating Triton's anger and frustration building with each defeat. His anger reached his boiling point, and with a roar he violently attacked his brother, beating him back. Fear shone in Isaac's eyes, knowing the state of rage that has been entered. A roar escaped his maw, just has his brother turned to his human form. Isaac intended to calm down his brother, but to no avail. Fire burst from deep within Triton's chest, covering his brother in the flames, and lighting the surrounding forest on fire. Shock burst through the anger, the realization of what he had done hitting him. Sick with himself, and knowing his brother is not possibly alive, he quickly fled the area. Months later, he emerged from his hiding, self hate and anger still residing within himself. He had learned about the Gringore academy, and signed himself up, with the hopes of learning control, as to not hurt anyone ever again. Family/Relationships: Mother: deceased, 7 years ago Father: deceased, 5 years ago Older brother: deceased, 31 years of age, fire, less then a year ago