Where my goddesses at? [hider=Mysli][color=#8080FF][b]I Am the Goddess Of:[/b][/color] Memories [color=#8080FF][b]My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To:[/b][/color] Telekinesis, Mnemokinesis (can modify memories or "lose" them in someone's mind, leading to different levels of amnesia; however, she can only use this to a certain extent since it sucks up a lot of her energy), Memory Vessel (store memories in tangible objects), greater memory capacity [color=#8080FF][b]My Name Is:[/b][/color] Mysli (my-slee) [color=#8080FF][b]The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called:[/b][/color] Mnemoians [color=#8080FF][b]I was the Creator's:[/b][/color] personified memories. Then I became my own individual. [color=#8080FF][b]I Gain My Strength From:[/b][/color] reading the memories of others; the stronger or more intimate of a memory, the more strength I get. [color=#8080FF][b]I am Queen of the Realm of:[/b][/color] a "place" I have named Cervello. [indent][color=#8080FF][b]My Realm is a Place of:[/b][/color] constant reflections of memories; it slowly morphs into whatever memory location either myself or one of my followers is thinking of. If someone is thinking of a castle, the realm becomes a castle. If another thinks of a swamp, the castle will fade away to cattails and dirty water. If at any time I am unsatisfied with a reflection, I override the memory and turn my realm into a place above the clouds. That simply means that the floors seem to be clouds and the view of a clear blue sky goes on and on. Little holes in the floor reveal the mortal world below.[/indent] [color=#8080FF][b]To Mortals, My Face Is:[/b][/color] a shimmer, hard to see or grasp just like a memory. If one is to focus hard enough, they'll be able to see an almost solid version of [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/328/3/1/nayru__the_goddess_of_wisdom_by_cutieloli-d33k06y.jpg]my face[/url]. I may be on the shorter side, but I am still a mighty goddess. I prefer to wear pastel colors, since they're light and airy like a dream or memory. I like my clothing to be loose and flowing. [color=#8080FF][b]To My Kin, My Face Is:[/b][/color] a solidified version of what mortals see. Other gods don't have to work to see my face. There are no other changes besides that. [color=#8080FF][b]I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power:[/b][/color] a necklace with a light purple orb attached to it. Inside the orb there appears to be small, swirling winds, which are actually past memories I stored in there. Memories I want to not think about, but not completely lose (like when I was locked in a chamber by mortals). [color=#8080FF][b]I Have Emerged at:[/b][/color] The Great City of Lloesy[/hider]