Umbrella is gone but only in name. As those who worked for the company have vanished into the world and spread out among the vast pharmaceutical firms that remained. In secret though its five most senior scientist have begun work on a new virus, one more potent than its predecessors and would ensure their need for a virus to assure domination. These men however didn't act alone as they were brought in on a secret, the late Oswell Spencer had a genetic clone made of himself but made as a younger and stronger man. Locked in suspend cyro isolation until Spencer's death. Gathering the remnants of Umbrella to his cause but had let them loose upon the world to steal in order to create the newest strain, known now as the Hades-Virus. Making the infected stronger and faster than the orignal T-Virus and Uroubous hosts. In Paris the H-virus was released but its creator lost with all information, original strain and anti-viral base. The sample and anti-virus must be found and the newly formed USFU has been sent in to retrieve the samples, data on the outbreak and to erase any information that might be linked to a new Umbrella resurgence Its agents sent in two man cells to eliminate any large group complications. Easier to maintain the group and if need be elimante them as well. At 20:00 hours team Victor or V-Group has been sent across from England by boat, travelling down the Seine river into Paris. Floating into the city undetected the pair depart and head into the depths of hell to retrieve the necessary information. ((This is a shooting, zombie head popping, explosion roleplay. I made short summary I didn't want to give a ton of information so soon. This is an alternate version of the RE series. Male or Female can apply and if I get a large number of responses I will make this in a casual thread.))