Hi everyone! It’s finally reached the warm summer months which means time off for me and time for roleplays. I had an old thread here somewhere, but I hate to keep dragging up old stuff, especially when my interests change. I’ve tried to break up all the information I have into small chunks, and I encourage pm’s if you have any questions. [hider=About Me] I go by Maddie on forums (obviously), but that isn’t my real name. It actually stems from my absolute love of [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i] (seriously, I have an Alice room in my house) and roleplaying a female Mad Hatter character named “Maddie” for about six or seven years? Anyway, I’m in my twenties and a middle school/junior high/high school English teacher. I’m female and married to a woman (oh snap), and we live on a farm with our massive amount of critters. During the summer when I’m not at workshops or working outside I do enjoy sitting down to roleplay with others. I’m not interested in just finding roleplay partners for the summer, but I would like to find more long term partners. Before I joined this forum I tended to roleplay with the same five or six people and did so for about ten years. I’ve had a strange time adjusting to working with newer people since I haven’t much in a very long time. I would like to have a few different writing buddies though for the summer. [/hider] [hider=What I can offer as a roleplayer] I’ll be upfront right now and say I’m not the perfect roleplay partner. I can spend all day reading essays and writing from students ,but I sometimes don’t do as well picking apart my own. Weird right? Still, I think in general my writing falls within the standards that apply to the advanced roleplay category. My shorter posts tend to hit around 1,000 words and I can go a bit longer up to about 4,000 ish. I try to mirror the type of responses I get from my partners, and I feel more comfortable in the one to two thousand word range depending on what our characters are doing for the moment. I can try a more “casual” type of roleplay, but I quickly become bored with writing that is just a few paragraphs long. I know shorter responses are useful when partners are roleplaying back and forth rather quickly. Unfortunately I probably spend an hour or so at my computer per day at most. I work with my computer a lot during the school year, so I try to not have it out as much during the summer. I enjoy discussing and creating a general plot, setting and developing characters with my roleplay partners. One of the things I work on with my students is to interpret literature and finding growth within the characters. I like to apply those things to my own brain creations. Typically I prefer to only roleplay OC characters, but I don’t mind placing them in a particular setting that has already been created. I typically play more than one character, and I feel my female characters are far more dynamic while my male characters tend to fall in the range of static characters. It’s not intention, just a weakness in my writing ability. I don’t mind roleplaying a male character, but I will always back that up by having a female character as well to compensate my lack of a diverse male character. I have a few things I should make clear when it comes to characters and relationships for roleplays: I have no issues with romance in roleplays; however, I required that the characters build up to a relationship. I will not play out any sexual scenarios and will reach a point where I have to fade to black. I don’t have any particular issues with writing such things, but it makes my wife uncomfortable and I love her sooo…yep. When it comes to relationships between characters I will not do anything that makes me feel uncomfortable like studentxteacher relationship stuff or things of that nature. Those things bother me personally, and I prefer to not even roleplay with individuals that are under 18 years. I hope that’s understandable. I feel weird roleplaying with people that are the age of my students. Oh, also almost forgot to mention. I don’t mind when it comes to relationships between characters doing FxF and MxF, but I’m really really uncomfortable doing MxM. Sorry, I’ve tried when my friends begged, and it wasn’t a pretty thing. No one would be happy with that roleplay I can promise you. lol I’m currently only offering to roleplay through emails. That’s not because I’m some crazy weirdo (I take that back I’m pretty weird. How many English teachers bring rats to class?), but my emails are linked to my phone. I will get notifications and know that later I should respond to a roleplay at my laptop. I’m terrible with keeping up with forum roleplays, and I can sometimes go weeks without checking a forum or thread topic on a forum. I haven’t signed onto any messengers in over a year, so I’m offering email roleplaying and planning only. That reminds me, I love to chat and get to know the person I’m roleplaying with, so we might not get along well if you’re not much of a talker. Right now, I’m not sure how often I will reply. I want to say I have the ability to respond a few times a week at least, and I tend to talk a good deal OOC from my phone. I refuse to do roleplay posts from my phone since I get all kinds of weird autocorrects that just turn into a nightmare. [/hider] [hider=Roleplay Interests] I read more than I watch t.v. or movies, so most of my likes will fall into settings I enjoy from novels. I’m not saying we have to roleplay a particular scenario from a book, but I thought they might give good examples of what I enjoy roleplaying. I’m always open to ideas if there is not something you like on the list. -Darker fairy tales or Alice in Wonderland related stuff. I have no interest in doing a Disney version of anything and that includes Tim Burton’s Alice. I do enjoy the American Mcgee Alice game though and have done some roleplays that go in that sort of darker direction. -apocalyptical & dystopian societies: Think things similar to The Road & Bradbury stories. I’m actually a big zombie fanatic, but I usually avoid roleplaying plots that revolve around a zombie apocalypse type of setting. I think things have been a little overdone and become stale with that. Again though, I’ll consider it if you have a cool idea in mind. -Horror and supernatural stuff are typically my favorite roleplays. I just like to steer clear of them being overly generic and boring like “lets roleplay vampires that sparkle!” -gritty dark settings like Sin City. I’m not a huge comic fan, but I love those graphic novels. -I studied a great deal of Victorian literature in college and enjoy that type of setting and something steam punk related. I’m not just open to Victorian era stuff since I’ve written about all sorts of time periods. I’m open again to ideas. -When it comes to literature I love Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury and of course Shakespeare. I tend to stick to the darker side of literature and roleplays that deal with more of the mental aspect of characters than typically just physical. -I’m open to science-fiction related ideas, but I’m not interested in fantasy very much or anything related to anime/manga story plots. [/hider] [b]Contact[/b] Well, I think I’ve kept that pretty brief and to the point. If there is any interest send me a pm, and I will get in contact with you as soon as possible. Please only contact me if you’re seriously interested. I’m very tired of having people message me, plan a roleplay and then disappear without any notice.