[quote=@themadhatter420] [@Foster] Accepted :) Also i love the other vidoes. I found the Texan one a little more offensive but thats since im texan and could say the names perfectly xD lolol jkjk I'm not offended [/quote] You have no idea how much laughter occurs when an [American foreigner?] fails to understand when the pilot warns that the terminal is going to be a short walk away and it's twenty five below zero. -Alternately, warning the college-kids during summer-tours that exposed mid-riffs are suicidally-silly. "But there is nothing below zero!" [hider=Heh, no] My simple explanation is pretend the feeling it is to walk outside in 32 degree weather when only dressed for weather in the 80s. And you *ARE* dressed for freezing temperatures. Windchill is a 2x multiplier.* -Same goes for just about any video about driving on ice, ever. *Hence why scarves are awesome at keeping your face/head warm.[/hider] That said, I have issues comprehending sustained human life above 98.6 degrees. -If I [i]have[/i] to sweat, I'm doing it wrong up here. [url=https://weekendroady.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/stcroix10.jpg]We also have slightly entertaining geography at our parks.[/url] -It's no Grand-Canyon, but [url=http://www.burnettcounty.com/PhotoGallery/1/ThumbNails/Backwaters%20near%20Pine%20City_420x280_thumb.jpg]that sign ain't lying.[/url] <- Note kid leaning on tree.