With work underway on the console and the Engineering room secured, Vannin found himself out of a job. The squad had all the doors covered and Keller was a fish out of water when it came to slicing, so he and a lucky handful of others were left task-free, or nearly so. He tapped a few shoulders and set people to work clearing imp bodies away from the only good cover in the room -- wasn't much work, but anything they could do to fortify would be important if a counter-attack came. Or totally pointless, if it didn't. Either way it kept the mind occupied and that was as good a reason as any. He joked derisively about the dead imps as he moved them -- this one looked like he messed his pants, that one forgot to shave, how's your day going, Stormy? The mission brief went into a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo that the corporal couldn't quite recall with his hands full of corpse, but the gist of it was, Engineering controlled all the backup systems on the ship, like a second bridge. Someone was supposed to reroute something to somewhere, and that would give them control of all the internal systems -- comms, life support, lavatories, and that sort of thing. In case the bridge got blown up or stormed, the engineers could keep everything running from here. What the [i]rebels[/i] could do from here, though.... well, damage, he guessed. All that was a little over Vannin's head. What mattered was take it, hold it, and when the job here is done, move on. And not a lot of time to piss around. "Movement," someone called softly. Vannin followed the voice and put himself behind something bulky. Lights moving in the access shaft, from the direction of the bridge. Had to be a security team, coming to reclaim the systems, and less than thirty seconds from contact. Vannin wrapped his weapon sling tightly around his forearm. Finally his blood was pumping the right way. "Those bastards just came down the wrong corridor," he said, half-whispering, half-growling, tucking up tight into his covered firing position. "Light 'em up." The imps came down the hall, moving a lot like the Liberators had done themselves -- using the bulkheads for cover, guns at the ready. They even had two at the point, leap-frogging their way just like Vannin and Besk. The corporal aimed for those two first. In the barrage of fire from damn near everybody, Vannin chose to believe that he'd gotten both of the front men -- there was no way to know for sure, but he believed it, and a grin played slowly across his face as he held his position, pouring fire into the advancing imperial unit.